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Hi all, please pardon the interruption.
I am here today to look for MOD requests in exchange for monetary donations. As you've all see I typically do all the MODs here for free, with only custom requests being "commercial" jobs for me. Today I'm looking to fill any MOD requests in exchange for donations to support a close friend of mine.
My friend is Tony, and he was formerly a Drill Sergeant in the United States Army as well as my Platoon Sergeant in both peace time in Germany and at War in Iraq. Tony has been battling pancreatic cancer now for over a year and money is beginning to get extremely tight. He has been in and out of the VA looking for assistance and they have him running in circles though he has had some success here and there. The money they are spending simply on driving to and from the hospital has become a hardship not to mention of course all of the related medical bills and so on. So I am here doing what I can to translate what I'm capable of into some financial assistance for he and his family. All donations/work from now through the end of the day 7/31/2011 will go directly to Tony and his family. If you should choose to donate and would like to include a personal message please feel free to do so on the PayPal notes section and I will be sure to send it along with the money.
In order to donate please see any page on my website, it is located at the upper right:
Now as for the MOD requests: I am very busy right now but will take all MODs and work on them in order of their complexity. If I am able to do one persons MOD request that came in much later than anyone elses but it will take me only 30 minutes then of course I'll be knocking that out before any of the more complex ones. Please keep in mind I am working on MODs here not complete builds/rebuilds/etc. I will of course work to get everyones MOD requests filled as soon as possible. Please also keep in mind that I know nothing about Exchange so I will be unable to help with anything related. If you wish to discuss your request prior to donating then deciding if we can work something out that is perfectly understandable. Please send all communications to scott (at) sudobash (dot) net.
Thank you for your time,
Scott Rowley
Note: This subject will be unstickied after 7/31