There must be plenty of people who use osTicket in their organization that have to explain how to use this open source technology in their daily multi channel customer support routine.

In order to create a good master version, I would like EVERYONE to submit their ideas and (draft / concept) versions of how they rolled osTicket out in their organization / company / department.

New/revised official docs are in the works.

New/revised official docs are in the works.

Can you post a draft on the wiki, than the community can help? Alternatively sent me a private copy than I can sent you my suggestions and the things I have already generated.

Community: until this version is released to the public, please keep sending in your versions!

Not really... They coincide with the next major release, so include features and changes that don't exist in the current version.

But when we release that version (there's at least one maintenance release planned between now and then, I believe, so don't expect it in the very next update or anything), it will be accompanied with full documentation. :)

In the mean time, if folks want to write up docs for the current version, they're welcome to.

Would be useful if we keep the same general architecture of the manual so both version can benefit from one another and not have to both invent the same thing twice.

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