How about introducing two Reply Separator Tags, for example:

The current Reply Separator Tag can only be included at the top of an email response, which is not very attractive and replies can also often include unwanted email header information in addition to the reply.

In theory, the tags could be included anywhere in an email template (perhaps by introducing a new variable e.g. %reply_tags)

We've only been using osTicket for a few days, but first impressions are great!

Thanks, I'm glad you're liking it so far. :)

Email parsing is a bit of a tricky beast, what with the various types of encoding, inline attachments, encryption, other attachments, headers, etc. and something we're generally always working to refine and improve.

Personally, I like the idea of a separator tag above and below the original message, allowing the user to responde from whichever end they prefer, depending on their mail setup.

I can't make any promises, because off-hand, I'm not sure how it would fit into the current mail processing (which not really a part of the script I mess with), but I do like the idea.

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