- Edited
I have been joining this forum for about less than a week. So many important issues I got from this great forum until now. For example, why so important to keep e-mail address and ticket-id for log in to the system, whereas some member only want to use e-mail address to log in. Another important issue is why we are not strongly recommended to display Ticket-ID on thank you page after client submit a new ticket...
Thank you very much for all information that I got from member who explained about those in this forum! Now I understand about some of important issues of osTicket.. and also about any others important things related to osTicket that I cannot mention one by one here... :
I think that would be a good idea to collect those important issues and put them in one special forum category. So, anyone who has just joined to this forum can read all this important issues from one place rather than browse all threads in this forum. This will also reduce or avoid the same question asked more than once.
This is very common in a forum, moreover the amount of thread/post increase from day to day. And I think this is similar to FAQ that osTicket support need providing via this forum.
Any comment about this? Thanks.
Best regards,
Masino Sinaga