I noticed that attachments are opened inside/over osTicket. Perhaps it's better to open them in a new window.

For this I changed the code on line 767 from ./include/class.ticket.php into:

$attachstr.= "<a class='Icon file' href='attachment.php?id=$id&ref=$hash' target='_blank'><b>$name</b></a>&nbsp;(<i>$size</i>)&nbsp;&nbsp;";

Maybe there are reasons why it's opened in the same window, but in my case this works better.

I now also changed the ticket list so that the little paperclip is shown between the checkbox and the ticketnumber.

If someone is interested let me know and I will post the code.

Peter: is this something to add to the project?

Peter: is this something to add to the project?

You mean show hint if the ticket contains an attachment?

See image:


It's only an extra column with the paperclip in it and a title which says "Contains an attachment". The reason I made it is because I like to know if messages have attachments.

But my first post is about the new window is maybe more important.


I am very interested in seeing that code. I would like to do a similar thing with this post as well:


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