Hey There,

I have successfully installed the osticket package on linux server..and i am using support@domainname.com mail for support and this e-mail is created with Google Apps, as we are using google apps for our e-mail.

now when i open ticket and fill form.. after successfully finishing the form replies that the e-mail has been sent with ticket no. to your account.. but no e-mail has been sent to that e-mail.

i have made POP3 Setting (Optional)

POP3 Status: Enable

POP3 Host: pop.gmail.com

POP3 User: support@domainname.com

i have checked Enable Auto Cron..

and in Email Settings > Mail Methods: i have checked Enable POP3 email fetch..

can u please help me out..

or is there any other configuration that i have missed.. i have not made any changes in any file..


Yash Bansal..

2 months later

am also in same prob ... Invalid login

but login and all correct

5 days later

i have a problem with email to

Invalid login

Can someone help us with those prblems?

8 months later

Same issue here....

Any one with a solution yet? Is this just a gmail issue or a google enterprise apps issue?

I just tried this with my email being hosted at Google (gmail) and I get the same problem with RC5....? :

Firewalls and SMTP

ybansal82: Check to make sure you are specifying a SMTP server on your default mail server, or the e-mail address being used for email.

chanhope: Can't offer much suggestions on this error - connection refused may be a firewall issue. Talk to your webhost/systems administrator.

darkside: Same advice as above - most likely a firewall issue

geost: can you be more specific about the problem you are having?


Generally speaking, make sure that php-mcrypt is installed otherwise your usernames and passwords won't be saved right.

5 days later

i have (Invalid login. Check POP settings) Message

Dear Sir;

Good day, kindly be informed that I'm interest to install osTicket.

the process is runnig good, but with Email setup it is NOT !

after i configure my pop3 mail, i found this message.

Can't open mailbox {mail.XXXXX.com/pop3/novalidate-cert}INBOX: invalid remote specification

also this message appear in the osTicket System Logs

Wed, Jul 15 2009 4 mcrypt missing

Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.

I'm sure from my settings is right.

I'm Using ...

OS : Windows 2003 Server.

Apache Web Server Version 2.2.4

PHP Script Language Version 5.2.1

MySQL Database Version 5.0.27


Please would you Support me, and thanks in advance for your time.


Ahmed Abdelaziz


It would seem that your logs are pointing you towards your problem. Did you verify that mcrypt is installed on your server? If not install mcrypt as a starting point.


Thanks for your kind response.

concerning to mcrypt, i remove the ( ; ) before this line extension=php_mcrypt.dll

in php.ini file which locate in my windows directory;

so would you have another suggestions?


Ahmed Abdelaziz

Just to be sure, you have the php_mcrypt.dll in your extension folder right?

New Error ( SMTP Error )

Thanks Dear for your interest;

i solve IMAP Problem with - copy file libmcrypt.dll to windows\system32

Now i have new problem that appear ( SMTP Error ) in System Logs osTicket.

so would you have any idea

7 days later

after i configure my pop3 mail, i found this message.

Can't open mailbox {mail.XXXXX.com/pop3/novalidate-cert}INBOX: invalid remote specification

Hi there,

I've hit this error too, it seems to be due to trying to connect to a non-ssl account but supplying the novalidate-cert option, which is an ssl only option.

I'm not 100% sure this is the right fix, but it seems to work:

In class.mailfetch.php, around line 51, remove /novalidate-cert from the string, the line should now look like:

$this->serverstr.='}INBOX'; // add other flags here as needed

Add it to line 49, which should now look like:


Hope this helps.

5 months later

fix for php-5.2+ pop 110 invalid remote specification

Just for the record and confirmation. Thanks Mace!

Removing the above /novalidate-cert does fix the issue.

But do renew the browser windows after applying!

Seems its a bug also related to PHP 5.2+, as you have to go through about 4 pages with hits to find this one applicable for OSticket.

(and it has 0 to to with mycript not being enabled as php module option.)


Just for the record and confirmation. Thanks Mace!

Removing the above /novalidate-cert does fix the issue.

But do renew the browser windows after applying!

Seems its a bug also related to PHP 5.2+, as you have to go through about 4 pages with hits to find this one applicable for OSticket.

(and it has 0 to to with mycript not being enabled as php module option.)


No worries, happy to help.

It's not specifically a bug in PHP as such, just an API nuance - one that should probably be promoted to the web gui somehow.



a year later

not working for me

I was facing the issue of emails not been fetched with mcrypt error only in system logs of ost. I enabled mcrypt in php.ini but the mcrypt error is still coming up.

then i did the changes suggested in class.fetchmail.php and i get the following error in email setup:

Certificate failure for mail.chrisons.com: Self-signed certificate or untrusted authority: CN=cexch

SSL is not selected for in email setup.

can anyone help?


I was facing the issue of emails not been fetched with mcrypt error only in system logs of ost. I enabled mcrypt in php.ini but the mcrypt error is still coming up.

then i did the changes suggested in class.fetchmail.php and i get the following error in email setup:

Certificate failure for mail.chrisons.com: Self-signed certificate or untrusted authority: CN=cexch

SSL is not selected for in email setup.

can anyone help?

i reverted the changes suggested. the problem was with a custom field in the db which was set to required (not null) so the fetchmail function could not insert data to this field it appeared that emailfetching was not working

19 days later

The mcrypt missing error

I am getting this error too.

mcrypt missing.Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.

can someone help me out troubleshoot the error?

I will be more than glad.

It's exactly what it says... mcrypt is missing and passwords are being stored in the database as plain text.

The system will still work fine, but your mail account passwords won't be encrypted. For encryption to work, PHP must be configured with mcrypt: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/mcrypt.setup.php(http://us2.php.net/manual/en/mcrypt.setup.php)

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