We are currently looking for a few people who want to join the osTicket development team. If anyone wants to qualify for this please let me know.

Just to be sure: we will NOT accept just anyone. You can start showing your interest/good intension by helping out as much as you can on the forums. Because there are alot of people asking stuff but only a few who are helping out other.

Furthermore you need to seriously consider if you really want to join the team. The biggest problem is that we all have our normal day jobs and only have limited free time to spent on osTicket. We have experienced people promising alot but in the end turn up with nothing.

So if you are interested and think you can help us out, I would be glad to hear from you! blank

5 days later


I would love to be involved and help where I can.

Soporte en espaÑol

I would like help this project GNU, because I translate to spanish LA

Nice to see that you guys would like to help.

As I said, I am not sure who and how many people we actually will let join. At the moment Peter is on a vacation. When he comes back this will be discussed and you will be informed.

In the mean time, please try to help out other people on the forums.

As for m3str3: I am not sure exactly what you mean. So perhaps you can help me out. Do you want to help programming or only translate osTicket? Let me know, thanks.


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a month later

what programmer do u recomend.any programm i need cant i get it

a month later

I think you should go with CVS/SVN using Bazaar model of software development. This will allow people to contribute their ideas and make the project alive which I don't think it is now. It's the best way to rapid development for Open Source projects.

4 days later

Concur that subversion would be a good start

The project would be more vibrant, if it is put into subversion. I am just considering using the project for my work, but will only do so if it is put into some kind of version control.

Could also be a good idea to start on some tests.

Who is running osTicket now anyway ? Is that person still interested in it ?

Hi Artur,

Peter is the developer of osTicket. Although he is very busy with lots of things he told me he's also working on osTicket.

I hope we can make osTicket more open and so does Peter. That's why he asked me to see if there are people who are willing to help. As far as I understood Peter is working on a new version and when that is released we can look into developing with more people.

Hi Artur,

Peter is the developer of osTicket. Although he is very busy with lots of things he told me he's also working on osTicket.

I hope we can make osTicket more open and so does Peter. That's why he asked me to see if there are people who are willing to help. As far as I understood Peter is working on a new version and when that is released we can look into developing with more people.

This is exactly why I suggested CVS/SVN approach. Most of us either interested in using osTicket (I'm using it for support in company I work for) or contributing to it are working full time.

I think limiting "development force" to people really interested in active development and to software developers is wrong. I am Sysadmin full time however I do lots of scripting, mainly in Perl but I think I can contribute a bit as well as many others.

This is exactly why I suggested CVS/SVN approach. Most of us either interested in using osTicket (I'm using it for support in company I work for) or contributing to it are working full time.

I think limiting "development force" to people really interested in active development and to software developers is wrong. I am Sysadmin full time however I do lots of scripting, mainly in Perl but I think I can contribute a bit as well as many others.

I don't think letting anyone and everyone edit the download package is the right way to go. Anyone can already contribute by making modifications. Letting anyone edit the source code for the download package can create security issues and inefficient code in the script.

osTicket does need more developers but these developers should know what they are doing and they should be interested in development.

osTicket does need more developers but these developers should know what they are doing and they should be interested in development.

I agree. I don't think anyone should be allowed to submit whatever he wants to official tree. I'm sure there are ways to control source code. If one will use SVN to get source he can make patches and submit them to be approved. Then eventually more people can be involved. Sorry for misunderstanding.


At least we all want the same: to improve osTicket


I've not a lot of time, but i can help.

I've posted some patch for french people. I think i won't be able to work on php but if osticket will be translated in other languages, i can help to translate it in french.



Name: Joshua Parker

Experties: Flash CS3 & Php

Awards: 4 GCSE's in Flash CS3

Active: Everyday at least 6 hours!

Contact Methods: Email or Via (My SIte)

My Sites: SpaceFable.org




Server's Owned: 1 Server Owned

1 Shared

Comments: Hope my application gets approved. And i will look forward to working with you..


Joshua Parker

20 days later


I come from Germany. I am developer of a Browsergames and use the ticket system. I want to help gladly and to translate the software on German.

If interest exists can I under the following address be attained: info@mafia-inc.de


15 days later


I suggest using a public SVN/CVS repository where only authorized users can commit but all can view. Then anyone could send patches to be reviewed by the commiters...

I want to help because osticket is missing some features I need but it's hard without a public repository because i'm not happy doing modifications in the downloaded version when the developers could have already a whole differente codebase to osticket 2.0...

Anyway, I'm a PHP expert and I would like to help...

I would gladly get involved. I've been using this software for a while now, and had to recode some of it to get it to work on our web server here.

I have many years experience in PHP/SQL/asp/xhtml etc., am Microsoft Certified in other areas and have been working IT since... lets just say a long time. ;)

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