Hello, please help me.
I am currently encountering DB #1054 error. I have searched for solutions in other threads, but the issue there is related to the queue. I have deleted all queues except the default one, but the same error persists.
I plan to fix this issue first, and then upgrade.
Will the latest update change the table structure? Because I intend to use the same data as I am currently using.
Thank you very much.
[SELECT A1.ticket_id
, A1.ticket_pid
, A1.number
, A1.user_id
, A1.user_email_id
, A1.status_id
, A1.dept_id
, A1.sla_id
, A1.topic_id
, A1.staff_id
, A1.team_id
, A1.email_id
, A1.lock_id
, A1.flags
, A1.sort
, A1.ip_address
, A1.source
, A1.source_extra
, A1.isoverdue
, A1.isanswered
, A1.duedate
, A1.est_duedate
, A1.reopened
, A1.closed
, A1.lastupdate
, A1.created
, A1.updated
, A2.topic_id
, A2.topic_pid
, A2.ispublic
, A2.noautoresp
, A2.flags
, A2.status_id
, A2.priority_id
, A2.dept_id
, A2.staff_id
, A2.team_id
, A2.sla_id
, A2.page_id
, A2.sequence_id
, A2.sort
, A2.topic
, A2.number_format
, A2.notes
, A2.created
, A2.updated
, A2.temp_dept_id
, A3.staff_id
, A3.dept_id
, A3.role_id
, A3.username
, A3.firstname
, A3.lastname
, A3.passwd
, A3.backend
, A3.email
, A3.phone
, A3.phone_ext
, A3.mobile
, A3.signature
, A3.lang
, A3.timezone
, A3.locale
, A3.notes
, A3.isactive
, A3.isadmin
, A3.isvisible
, A3.onvacation
, A3.assigned_only
, A3.show_assigned_tickets
, A3.change_passwd
, A3.max_page_size
, A3.auto_refresh_rate
, A3.default_signature_type
, A3.default_paper_size
, A3.extra
, A3.permissions
, A3.created
, A3.lastlogin
, A3.passwdreset
, A3.updated
, A4.user_id
, A4.email
, A4.name
, A4.phone
, A4.notes
, A4.nopend
, A4.nama_kantor
, A5.team_id
, A5.lead_id
, A5.flags
, A5.name
, A5.notes
, A5.created
, A5.updated
, A6.id
, A6.pid
, A6.tpl_id
, A6.sla_id
, A6.schedule_id
, A6.email_id
, A6.autoresp_email_id
, A6.manager_id
, A6.flags
, A6.name
, A6.signature
, A6.ispublic
, A6.group_membership
, A6.ticket_auto_response
, A6.message_auto_response
, A6.path
, A6.updated
, A6.created
, A7.id
, A7.schedule_id
, A7.flags
, A7.grace_period
, A7.name
, A7.notes
, A7.created
, A7.updated
, A8.id
, A8.object_id
, A8.object_type
, A8.extra
, A8.lastresponse
, A8.lastmessage
, A8.created
, B0.id
, B0.object_id
, B0.object_type
, B0.extra
, B0.lastresponse
, B0.lastmessage
, B0.created
, B1.id
, B1.user_id
, B1.flags
, B1.address
, B2.id
, B2.name
, B2.state
, B2.mode
, B2.flags
, B2.sort
, B2.properties
, B2.created
, B2.updated
FROM ost_ticket
A1 LEFT JOIN ost_help_topic
A2 ON (A1.topic_id
= A2.topic_id
) LEFT JOIN ost_staff
A3 ON (A1.staff_id
= A3.staff_id
) LEFT JOIN ost_user
A4 ON (A1.user_id
= A4.id
) LEFT JOIN ost_team
A5 ON (A1.team_id
= A5.team_id
) LEFT JOIN ost_department
A6 ON (A1.dept_id
= A6.id
) LEFT JOIN ost_sla
A7 ON (A1.sla_id
= A7.id
) LEFT JOIN ost_thread
A8 ON (A8.object_type
= 'T' AND A1.ticket_id
= A8.object_id
) LEFT JOIN ost_thread
B0 ON (A1.ticket_id
= B0.object_id
AND B0.object_type
= 'C') LEFT JOIN ost_user_email
B1 ON (A4.default_email_id
= B1.id
) JOIN ost_ticket_status
B2 ON (A1.status_id
= B2.id
) WHERE A1.number
= 'Jihanasfa114' LIMIT 1] Unknown column 'A4.id' in 'on clause'
---- Backtrace ----
#0 (root)/include/mysqli.php(201): osTicket->logDBError()
#1 (root)/include/class.orm.php(3466): db_query()
#2 (root)/include/class.orm.php(3522): MySqlExecutor->execute()
#3 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1999): MySqlExecutor->getRow()
#4 (root)/include/class.orm.php(2043): ModelInstanceManager->{closure}()
#5 (root)/include/class.orm.php(2022): CallbackSimpleIterator->next()
#6 (root)/include/class.orm.php(2031): CallbackSimpleIterator->rewind()
#7 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1703): CallbackSimpleIterator->valid()
#8 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1713): CachedResultSet->fillTo()
#9 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1336): CachedResultSet->asArray()
#10 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1340): QuerySet->all()
#11 (root)/include/class.ticket.php(3923): QuerySet->first()
#12 (root)/include/class.ticket.php(3928): Ticket::getIdByNumber()
#13 (root)/include/class.auth.php(1273): Ticket::lookupByNumber()
#14 (root)/include/class.auth.php(249): AccessLinkAuthentication->authenticate()
#15 (root)/login.php(51): AuthenticationBackend::process()
#16 {main}