Hello, please help me.
I am currently encountering DB #1054 error. I have searched for solutions in other threads, but the issue there is related to the queue. I have deleted all queues except the default one, but the same error persists.

I plan to fix this issue first, and then upgrade.
Will the latest update change the table structure? Because I intend to use the same data as I am currently using.

Thank you very much.

[SELECT A1.ticket_id, A1.ticket_pid, A1.number, A1.user_id, A1.user_email_id, A1.status_id, A1.dept_id, A1.sla_id, A1.topic_id, A1.staff_id, A1.team_id, A1.email_id, A1.lock_id, A1.flags, A1.sort, A1.ip_address, A1.source, A1.source_extra, A1.isoverdue, A1.isanswered, A1.duedate, A1.est_duedate, A1.reopened, A1.closed, A1.lastupdate, A1.created, A1.updated, A2.topic_id, A2.topic_pid, A2.ispublic, A2.noautoresp, A2.flags, A2.status_id, A2.priority_id, A2.dept_id, A2.staff_id, A2.team_id, A2.sla_id, A2.page_id, A2.sequence_id, A2.sort, A2.topic, A2.number_format, A2.notes, A2.created, A2.updated, A2.temp_dept_id, A3.staff_id, A3.dept_id, A3.role_id, A3.username, A3.firstname, A3.lastname, A3.passwd, A3.backend, A3.email, A3.phone, A3.phone_ext, A3.mobile, A3.signature, A3.lang, A3.timezone, A3.locale, A3.notes, A3.isactive, A3.isadmin, A3.isvisible, A3.onvacation, A3.assigned_only, A3.show_assigned_tickets, A3.change_passwd, A3.max_page_size, A3.auto_refresh_rate, A3.default_signature_type, A3.default_paper_size, A3.extra, A3.permissions, A3.created, A3.lastlogin, A3.passwdreset, A3.updated, A4.user_id, A4.email, A4.name, A4.phone, A4.notes, A4.nopend, A4.nama_kantor, A5.team_id, A5.lead_id, A5.flags, A5.name, A5.notes, A5.created, A5.updated, A6.id, A6.pid, A6.tpl_id, A6.sla_id, A6.schedule_id, A6.email_id, A6.autoresp_email_id, A6.manager_id, A6.flags, A6.name, A6.signature, A6.ispublic, A6.group_membership, A6.ticket_auto_response, A6.message_auto_response, A6.path, A6.updated, A6.created, A7.id, A7.schedule_id, A7.flags, A7.grace_period, A7.name, A7.notes, A7.created, A7.updated, A8.id, A8.object_id, A8.object_type, A8.extra, A8.lastresponse, A8.lastmessage, A8.created, B0.id, B0.object_id, B0.object_type, B0.extra, B0.lastresponse, B0.lastmessage, B0.created, B1.id, B1.user_id, B1.flags, B1.address, B2.id, B2.name, B2.state, B2.mode, B2.flags, B2.sort, B2.properties, B2.created, B2.updated FROM ost_ticket A1 LEFT JOIN ost_help_topic A2 ON (A1.topic_id = A2.topic_id) LEFT JOIN ost_staff A3 ON (A1.staff_id = A3.staff_id) LEFT JOIN ost_user A4 ON (A1.user_id = A4.id) LEFT JOIN ost_team A5 ON (A1.team_id = A5.team_id) LEFT JOIN ost_department A6 ON (A1.dept_id = A6.id) LEFT JOIN ost_sla A7 ON (A1.sla_id = A7.id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread A8 ON (A8.object_type = 'T' AND A1.ticket_id = A8.object_id) LEFT JOIN ost_thread B0 ON (A1.ticket_id = B0.object_id AND B0.object_type = 'C') LEFT JOIN ost_user_email B1 ON (A4.default_email_id = B1.id) JOIN ost_ticket_status B2 ON (A1.status_id = B2.id) WHERE A1.number = 'Jihanasfa114' LIMIT 1] Unknown column 'A4.id' in 'on clause'

---- Backtrace ----
#0 (root)/include/mysqli.php(201): osTicket->logDBError()
#1 (root)/include/class.orm.php(3466): db_query()
#2 (root)/include/class.orm.php(3522): MySqlExecutor->execute()
#3 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1999): MySqlExecutor->getRow()
#4 (root)/include/class.orm.php(2043): ModelInstanceManager->{closure}()
#5 (root)/include/class.orm.php(2022): CallbackSimpleIterator->next()
#6 (root)/include/class.orm.php(2031): CallbackSimpleIterator->rewind()
#7 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1703): CallbackSimpleIterator->valid()
#8 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1713): CachedResultSet->fillTo()
#9 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1336): CachedResultSet->asArray()
#10 (root)/include/class.orm.php(1340): QuerySet->all()
#11 (root)/include/class.ticket.php(3923): QuerySet->first()
#12 (root)/include/class.ticket.php(3928): Ticket::getIdByNumber()
#13 (root)/include/class.auth.php(1273): Ticket::lookupByNumber()
#14 (root)/include/class.auth.php(249): AccessLinkAuthentication->authenticate()
#15 (root)/login.php(51): AuthenticationBackend::process()
#16 {main}


    1. You are using a modified version of osTicket.
    2. You are using an old, unsupported version of osTicket.

    You will simply need to upgrade and retest. Upgrading ensures you are using the latest supported version with all the latest patches, etc. as well as ensuring any code-based mods are removed so you can test using a vanilla install.


      KevinTheJedi hi Kevin, After I investigated, I'm not sure whether the table structure changed or the code changed by itself. For example, in ost_user, it used to reference user_id, but now it references id, where the id column doesn't exist.
      is it possible osticket can update automatically?

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