used osticket many many moons ago. Working for a charity now and was setting osticket up for my helpdesk as our finances haven't been great lately, thanks osticket for the free version!, once we're back on our feet, I'll move this to your hosted environment

going to try swift through all the posts, the Q is... can we not simply use username/pwd to access the email account. i have a support account setup in ms 365 , which I use in other internal php apps using the good old mail.xyz, 587,TLS username/pwd method, these apps use phpmailer though.

setting up auth2 seems like an overkill (for our needs at least -- just me accessing the app), and for our org I would need to write a thesis as to why I need to setup oauth2 connection.

i've tried the basic auth, but it errors with:
host doesn't allow connection, last request failed...

did a diagnostics and received: Test email sent successfully to <xxxxxxx>
my php setttings are not used or setup.

Update: so the outbound sending is working with masic/legacy authentication, but can't get the [Remote Mail] module to connect.



    For IMAP/POP you have to use modern auth. Microsoft deprecated basic auth many moons ago forcing everyone to use modern auth (OAuth2). For SMTP basic auth still works but no one knows for how much longer. So it’s best to go ahead and fully switch to modern auth as to not run into issues once they deprecate it for SMTP.


      KevinTheJedi Thanks for this Kevin, So I'm trying to setup Oauth2.. was able to create the app but am receiving "invalid_client" on the osTicket Side, not sure if I copied the wrong item into this?

      Update: after re-copying, pasting, and paying some attention: "mailbox: OAuth2 Authorization Successful"
      just testing...


        johnnySkidmarks So kinda works....

        received the token, but trying to setup the other parameters, but fails to save, not shure what to enter...

        I have the outgoing set to use the remote mail -- which appears to be working...

        any insight appreciated,

          I changed the port to 993 and removed the tls://

          Successfully updated this email.

          add teh crontab item... run it manually from the cli
          not getting any tickets coming into the queue

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