I would like to configure and add a ticket state like pendidng is there any possibilities to do it or i have to put open
Is there any ways to add a ticket state
- Best Answerset by KevinTheJedi
You have to use either Open state or Closed state. We do not have the concept of "pending" state; yet. For the time being you can create an Open state status called "Pending" and then put any "pending" Tickets on that Status so you can filter them out in queues, etc.
What Kevin mentioned is exactly what I am doing. We wanted a few more status options, so we created the states with the status being opened called "Waiting for Feedback", "Researching", and " On Hold". Works perfectly so you can see at a quick glance whats going on with the tickets.
Daedalus01 Okay thank u, is there any ideas of when it will be available? Sorry for my english
helplease If you mean a new version of the software that may contain by default what you are looking for, then I am not sure. I am another end user on this forum. What I mentioned is what Kevin was referring to. All you have to do is add more statuses with the state of open so that you or end users can see visually what the status of the ticket is.