I have just installed osticket on my server (CloudPanel with php 8.3).
Currently I'm having 2 issues. When I login to SCP and delete the first ticket I'm getting the following:

The second issue is when I hover over one of the question marks to see the help text the floating box is being displayed however no text is shown.

I hope someone who is more knowledgeable on osticket then me can help me out here. Any help would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • rroeleveld

    Yea so if you read the requirements of osTicket the web server must be Apache, LiteSpeed, or IIS. NGINX can be supported but it requires you to add special configs to the NGINX configurations. You can review older posts to find a full working NGINX recipe. You can copy that and update it to fit your environment.

    Other than that you can switch to an out of the box supported web server like Apache, LiteSpeed, or IIS.



    Yea so if you read the requirements of osTicket the web server must be Apache, LiteSpeed, or IIS. NGINX can be supported but it requires you to add special configs to the NGINX configurations. You can review older posts to find a full working NGINX recipe. You can copy that and update it to fit your environment.

    Other than that you can switch to an out of the box supported web server like Apache, LiteSpeed, or IIS.


    Oh man, I feel stupid now. Lol Thank you so much for clarifying.

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