Hello there,
I have an OsTicket system at version 1.18.1. I wanted to use the Tasks section for internal activities, when I click on "Create a new Task" nothing appears. I see that the URL changes by adding #tasks/add but nothing shows up.
Tasks does not work
Honestly I don't know, how can I verify?
I have OsTicket on an Ubuntu virtual machine, 22.3
Within the osTicket UI you can go to Admin Panel > Dashboard > Information. From the server you must SSH and run something like nginx --version
or run apt list --installed
and see if nginx is listed or something along those lines. When in doubt reach out to the person who installed it for you.
KevinTheJedi Hello again, I don't have NGINX install. I have checked with SSH.
What operations can I do to fix the tasks section?
You will need to check all logs (general server logs, webserver error logs, PHP error logs, MySQL/MariaDB error logs, osTicket System Logs, Browser Console logs, etc.) for any related errors.