Hey Everyone, I'm having trouble with Microsoft oauth2. It works fine for email setup it seems but it doesn't work for Login authentications for users or agent.
No matter what i do or try...i authenticate, but when it redirects me back, i go back to the login page or a page where the user isn't logged in. I have to reattempt this multiple times before it will finally let me in but if i log out, it goes right back to the same issue...and i have to try many times before it works. Has anyone seen this issue? if so how did they get by it...I've tried everything i could....
I work at a call center and utilizing this would be the easiest way to handle agents and Team leaders being able to log in.
Help with Oauth2
If it works eventually then it sounds like session issues. Have you tried doing this in a completely new browser or even incognito/private windows?
Hey Kevin
Yes i have...I've tried it even from different computers and different users. just now i rebooted the server and it worked fine for a little while, then it stopped working again...n went back to the same issue...
I had read up and had a feeling it has to do with the sessions but...i honestly don't know how to troubleshoot that. can you help?
You can try this:
Of course you'll need to do another reboot so everyone's sessions get cleared. Then ensure you have a cron job running so the system routinely cleans the expired sessions from the database. Other than that my only suggestion would be to wait until we make a new release tomorrow (if not, some time this week) and then upgrade and retest to see if that helps.
ok so a new release of the oauth2 plugin is incoming? or do you mean a new release of osTicket? in either case i'll give that a try and see...and will also be upgrarding....i can reboot the server with no issues because it was in testing that i found this issue....so we hadnt rolled it out yet into production.
Both, yea. However plugin won't have much updated than what it already is. Mainly be changes to core. Also, will be a security update so no database patches required which means you won't have to run an upgrader. Will be simply replacing the core files.
hey Kevin
just letting you know that i updated the class.ostsession.php file and will see if i can reproduce the issue again. Thanks for the help...i'll solve once i come back with positive results. again thank you so much for the quick reply.