- Edited
Hi osTicket gurus,
I know what I'm asking is possible from the 'Edit Ticket' page, but would it be possible to edit the subject from the 'Ticket View' page directly, similarly to how you edit other ticket elements on there?
I tried fiddling with the codebase to get it to work, but I got a bit lost since the subject seems to fall under a 'custom form' field. Mine's given the variable 'subject'.
I got as far as rendering the subject as an anchor, clicking it reveals the little pop-up modal.
[Modded code removed by Admin]
I used '/field/subject/edit' here, but I don't believe that exists. Am I close to something here, or am I way off?
If anybody more familiar with this could chime in and nudge me in the right direction, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you!