I am trying to create a filter that when matching 3 rules, sends an email, and then rejects the ticket.
I have ordered so that the email generation will occur prior to rejecting the ticket. The sending of the email works perfectly, until I add in the Reject Ticket action. Once the Reject Ticket action is added, the email does not send.

I have tried making 2 different filters, one for sending the email with a higher execution priority, and a second for rejecting the ticket with a lower execution priority. The ticket will be rejected, but the email will not be sent.

Any thoughts?

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • tnielsen

    There is no way to do so at this time. The best you can do is send an email then automatically close it. Then your agents can delete it or do whatever. The problem is that in the Send an Email filter action apply method it checks the given vars for "ticket" and since the ticket is not created when the filter is ran it will not send anything out. So it then moves on to the next action which is reject which it does immediately.



    There is no way to do so at this time. The best you can do is send an email then automatically close it. Then your agents can delete it or do whatever. The problem is that in the Send an Email filter action apply method it checks the given vars for "ticket" and since the ticket is not created when the filter is ran it will not send anything out. So it then moves on to the next action which is reject which it does immediately.


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