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I have looked at the community source code and are now not sure of the customisation capabilities. Namely:
Is it possible to add custom fields and a new sub form to the Agent object? I want to record the following: (Matrix of capabilities for different skills), record when an Agent expects to return from holiday, how far an Agent is prepared to travel to visit a client, whether an Agent relies on public transport or car to travel to a client. I want an Agent to manage this information, but for the scheduling rules to take account of the information
Is it possible to create custom ticket allocation rules? [I think the answer is probably yes with a signal linked to when a ticket is created.]
Is it possible to add extra field types such as decimal?
It is not clear if there are Signals available associated with any page request, so that relevant header code could be added at the required time?
Is it possible to record the time spent by an Agent along as part of adding a thread entry? For this to be marked as billable or non-billable time.