Buen día !!
recientemente estoy teniendo problemas para realizar cambios desde varios formularios, especialmente desde los que contienen la definición de la zona horaria. He encontrado que esto se debe a que no carga las zonas horarias desde la base por un error en el query sql, creo tener la solución para saltar ese error , pero luego de modificar el archivo profile.inc.php que se encuentra en .include/client, el cambio no impacta en el sistema. Podrían decirme como hago para que un cambio en el archivo profile.inc.php, se vea reflejado en el sistema??

Muchas gracias!


    I have no idea what you are talking about. You will need to provide step-by-step instructions as well as any helpful screenshots.


    Hi Kevin, I've modified a query from a core file and I need to see the changes on the working system


      Then we cannot assist here. This Forum is for core osTicket and core osTicket plugins only.

      When customizing the codebase you are always on your own as you are deviating from core. You will proceed at your own risk. Good luck!


      How can I fix this issue??

      DB Error #1064

      [SELECT id, offset, timezone FROM ost_timezone ORDER BY id] You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'offset, timezone FROM ost_timezone ORDER BY id' at line 1

      ---- Recular ----
      #0 (raíz)/include/mysqli.php(177): osTicket->logDBError('DB Error #1064', '[SELECT id, off...')
      #1 (raíz)/include/staff/staff.inc.php(279): db_query('SELECT id, offs...')
      #2 (raíz)/scp/staff.php(123): require('/home14/net/pub...')
      #3 {main}


        osTicket has not had a timezone table in FOREVER.. so it seems like you are either using a really old version (in which we cannot assist) or maybe there is some old code left behind during the upgrade process or you customized the codebase (in which we cannot assist).

        If I were you I'd copy my include/ost-config.php file somewhere outside of the site directory (this is a critical step), delete all files within your site directory, download the latest build of v1.18.1 (and any plugins) from our website, unpack them, place them in your site directory, copy the ost-config.php file back to the include/ folder, restart the webserver (and PHP-FPM if you're running it), and retest.


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