Our service enables service providers to make their computing services available to researchers. In such cases, providers require a chat to discuss matters such as the availability of resources on a particular period of time. Once the user has selected the service, a ticket is created for the specific provider. Is it possible in osTicket to assign permissions/roles to agents (providers) so that they can view the specific customers who have selected the relevant services and not see other customers?

We previously managed this process through JIRA.

Thank you for your help and have a great time

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • Florek

    Agent access to Tickets is based on Department Access. So you can simply give the Agents access to specific departments, set each Help Topic to assign to specific Department (or use Ticket Filters), and then the Agents would only see Tickets that are in their Department.



    Agent access to Tickets is based on Department Access. So you can simply give the Agents access to specific departments, set each Help Topic to assign to specific Department (or use Ticket Filters), and then the Agents would only see Tickets that are in their Department.


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