I've recently set up osTicket for our support team, and I’m encountering issues with the email fetching configuration. Despite adhering to the setup guide, the system is not converting incoming emails into tickets. I've checked the IMAP/POP settings multiple times, ensured that the email account settings are correct, and verified that the cron job is running as expected.

Is there a step I might be missing, or could there be a common pitfall that I’m unaware of?

For instance, are there any specific server settings or permissions that need to be adjusted? Could it be related to firewall settings or security protocols on our email server?

Any insights, troubleshooting tips, or pointers to detailed documentation would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • muhavare

    First, are you able to configure the Remote Mailbox for the email within osTicket successfully? Meaning you fill out the host information, Authentication information, set the Status to Enable, and Save Changes with no errors.

    If the Remote Mailbox section is configured correctly, the next thing would be to ensure you have fetching enabled globally (Admin Panel > Emails > Settings > Email Fetching > Enable). A quick note on this setting, if you are using a cron job (which you said you are) you do not want to additionally enable the Auto-Cron option for Email Fetching; you only want the Enable checkbox. If you have both checkboxes enabled then you could run into issues like duplicate Tickets, etc.

    Next thing would be to verify the cron job is actually polling the PHP script successfully. You can test this by setting your Default Log Level (Admin Panel > Settings > System) to DEBUG, Save Changes, and run cron manually or just let it run automatically. Once it runs check your System Logs (Admin Panel > Dashboard > System Logs) and you should see a log entry with the title of Cron Job and the body should contain something along the lines of “Cron job executed successfully [CLI]”. If you do not see this then your Cron is not running as expected and you’ll need to adjust it. It’s always best to run the cron as the webserver user or PHP-FPM user if you’re running it. Or if you know how you can create a specific worker user with appropriate permissions, etc. There are guides online that explain how to do this.

    If all of that passes then you will likely have Mail Fetcher errors in your System Logs that should tell you what the issue is.



    First, are you able to configure the Remote Mailbox for the email within osTicket successfully? Meaning you fill out the host information, Authentication information, set the Status to Enable, and Save Changes with no errors.

    If the Remote Mailbox section is configured correctly, the next thing would be to ensure you have fetching enabled globally (Admin Panel > Emails > Settings > Email Fetching > Enable). A quick note on this setting, if you are using a cron job (which you said you are) you do not want to additionally enable the Auto-Cron option for Email Fetching; you only want the Enable checkbox. If you have both checkboxes enabled then you could run into issues like duplicate Tickets, etc.

    Next thing would be to verify the cron job is actually polling the PHP script successfully. You can test this by setting your Default Log Level (Admin Panel > Settings > System) to DEBUG, Save Changes, and run cron manually or just let it run automatically. Once it runs check your System Logs (Admin Panel > Dashboard > System Logs) and you should see a log entry with the title of Cron Job and the body should contain something along the lines of “Cron job executed successfully [CLI]”. If you do not see this then your Cron is not running as expected and you’ll need to adjust it. It’s always best to run the cron as the webserver user or PHP-FPM user if you’re running it. Or if you know how you can create a specific worker user with appropriate permissions, etc. There are guides online that explain how to do this.

    If all of that passes then you will likely have Mail Fetcher errors in your System Logs that should tell you what the issue is.


    Hi KevinTheJedi,
    Just wanted to say a big thanks for helping me out with the Email Fetching Configuration in osTicket. Your advice was spot on and really made a difference. I appreciate your quick and clear guidance – it definitely saved me a lot of time and hassle. Thanks!

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