I understand OST 1.9.x is old and ended.
For customizations, i cannot simply upgrade OST to newer version now.

Have anyone done PHP migration of osTicket 1.9.x from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.4 or PHP 8.x ?
Or anyone wish to do this?
I'm looking for help on this.

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • stelaso

    I highly doubt anyone will assist in this. For one it is such an old version. And two, it will be a nightmare to try to do that. There are potentially many, many changes needed to support it. You’re better off trying to apply the customizations to a new osTicket version rather than making an old version support newer versions of PHP.



    I highly doubt anyone will assist in this. For one it is such an old version. And two, it will be a nightmare to try to do that. There are potentially many, many changes needed to support it. You’re better off trying to apply the customizations to a new osTicket version rather than making an old version support newer versions of PHP.


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