I have a few ostickets set up, all completely independent of the others. They are still on 1.17. I have seen this issue before. Only one is doing this.
The oauth token shows up as green, but the time is slightly in the past. I don't know if that changes. I haven't watched that yet. This morning I see the expiration time is about 50 minutes in the past. But the token still shows green like everything is normal. The other osticket set ups have green tokens but the expiration time is slightly in the future like normal.
On the "green but past time expired" osticket, yesterday it was still pulling email. But it wouldn't send out the usual new ticket alerts to agents or an email receipt to the person who sent in an email. Diagnostic emails from that account were fine. That's using no authentication to send emails too. I restarted the server. No change. I ended up completely removing the email account and set it up again. Email sent out normally for email receipts and new ticket/system alerts. The token yesterday was green and slightly into the future for the expiration like I'd expect. Today I checked it just to check, thinking everything was solved yesterday. But the token is back slightly in the past again, but green. It does have today's date, so it changed on its own since yesterday. And the other osticket set ups are all green and slightly into the future like I'd expect.
I could try wiping the email account and setting it up with a brand new browser I suppose, just in case there's something with the browser I used, cached data, and the email account somehow. I used the same browser to look at all my osticket webpages. That's never been issue though.