Is it possible to not let agent to close a ticket for a certain amount of time?

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • Nav27

    Not at this time, no. Things that can prevent a Ticket from closing is if the Agent doesn't have the necessary Role Permission, if the Ticket has any Open Tasks, if the Ticket has a Field with Data Integrity enabled and is not filled in, or if you have your system setting called "Require Help Topic to Close" enabled and the Ticket doesn't have a Help Topic selected.



    Not at this time, no. Things that can prevent a Ticket from closing is if the Agent doesn't have the necessary Role Permission, if the Ticket has any Open Tasks, if the Ticket has a Field with Data Integrity enabled and is not filled in, or if you have your system setting called "Require Help Topic to Close" enabled and the Ticket doesn't have a Help Topic selected.


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