I've observed that in the emails generated from the ticket transfer notification template, there's some unexpected code appearing where the comments should be displayed.

Most of the time our agents transfer tickets without a comment.

Here is the HTML code of the template.

<h3>Hi %{recipient.name},</h3>
<p>Ticket <a href="%%7Bticket.staff_link%7D">#%{ticket.number}</a> has been transferred to the %{ticket.dept.name} department by <strong>%{staff.name.short}</strong> <br>
<p>%{comments} <br>
<div>To view or respond to the ticket, please <a href="%%7Bticket.staff_link%7D">login</a> to the support ticket system. </div>
<p><em style="font-size:small">Your friendly Customer Support System</em> <br>
<figure><a href="http://osticket.com/"><img width="126" height="19" alt="Powered By osTicket" style="width:126px" src="/file.php?key=b56944cb4722cc5cda9d1e23a3ea7fbc&expires=1712275200&signature=3306769265e0e8e5dbe8d230734146c6f5d2c214&disposition=inline" data-image="bjur1upjgcok"></a></figure>

This was not observed in older version of osticket from which we upgraded from.

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