Hi there I'm having the follwoing two error:
1- [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
2- Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Authentication failed.
IMP port number 993 SMTP port: 465

can someone assist me I'm using Osticket v1.15.8


    The error says the authentication details you provided are not correct. Reach out to your mail admin to see if they can reset the account's password for you or provide you with the correct authentication details.


    Hi KevinTheJedi
    I have done what you have suggested but still having the following error
    Can not authenticate to IMAP server: [AUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)
    It's perhaps the version that I am using that's v1.15.8 or I must upgrade to the new version
    that offers plugins for authentication Oauth2 version: osTicket-v1.17.5 or osTicket-v1.18.1

      6 days later

      My email service provider is Google Apps
      domain hosted on SiteGround

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