I would like the default search to also search for the keyword in the user__name field.
I looked at the code a lot but I couldn't modify it correctly. I managed to save an advanced search which does the search correctly (User / Full Name), but here the search term is fixed.
Can you help me?

    Thanks, the code

    else {
                     //$criteria = [':keywords', 'null', $_GET['query']];
                     $criteria = ['user__name', 'contains', $_GET['query']];

    I would like it to also search with the previous :keywords criteria.
    How can I combine the two criteria?

                    $criteria = [
                        [':keywords', 'null', $_GET['query']],
                        ['user__name', 'contains', $_GET['query']],
                $_SESSION['advsearch'][$key] = $criteria;

    Work, but It does a search with AND logic, I would like it to display the results of both filters


      Then you would have to modify the code deeper. We cannot assist with modifications so you are on your own. I gave you a good start so follow the pipeline and modify the code to your liking.


      8 days later

      I have solved with:

                      $criteria = [
                          ['user__name', 'contains', $_GET['query']],
                          ['cdata__subject', 'contains', $_GET['query']],

      And in class.orm.php

              if ($where) {
                  /* Use OR for Ticket search */
                  if ($model === "Ticket" && $where[0] == "A2.`name` LIKE :1") {
                      $where = ' WHERE ' . implode(' OR ', $where);
                  } else {
                      $where = ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
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