I can't export tickets, I get a blank window. I've tried exporting into both .txt and .csv but same result.

I don't know if this is related but after I unsuccesfully export the data I get System Log errors "Mailer error"
"Mailer Error
Unable to email via php mail function:"" mail() returned failure"


    Check your PHP error logs for any related errors. If you are using Windows Server it’s likely temp directory issues with PHP. You can look for older posts that explain what to do with PHP's open_basedir, etc. Here is also a good read.

    Oh, and the mailer error is because it’s trying to send an email and you don’t have a working SMTP configured so it’s trying to use PHP Mail function which is not setup in your environment.


      Ah yes, the mailer error makes sense now.

      I am indeed using windows server.
      Sorry but I'm new to this. I found a .log file with the name "php-7.3.8_errors" in my C:\Windows\Temp. (while my PHP is installed in C:\PHP)
      My latest errors in this .log are:
      [06-Dec-2023 15:18:44 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Invalid library (appears to be a Zend Extension, try loading using zend_extension=php_opcache.dll from php.ini) in Unknown on line 0
      [06-Dec-2023 15:18:44 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Invalid library (appears to be a Zend Extension, try loading using zend_extension=php_opcache.dll from php.ini) in Unknown on line 0

      And actually all of my errors are this particular error.

      I hope this information is useful.


        Those aren’t errors so that’s not the cause I would definitely assume temp issues. Give the article above a read and if that fails try searching the older posts, and if none of that helps you can always create your own temp directory and configure PHP to use this directory instead of the server's temp directory.



        Also, I noticed you are running PHP 7.3 (judging by the file name) and that means you are not running osTicket 1.17.x nor 1.18.x as they both require PHP 8.x. This means you are using an old version of osTicket that is no longer supported. You would need to upgrade to the latest supported version ASAP.


          Hi I upgraded to osTicket v1.18.1 and PHP 8.3.0
          Also I think I've realized the cause of being unable to export ticket, see attached image

          The zip PHP extension was not enabled, I enabled it by editing the php.ini and uncommenting the line ;extension=zip and I restarted the server.

          Now I see a checkmark on osTicket zip extension but I'm still unable to export tickets.
          Should I follow your previous advice and create my own temp directory and configure PHP to use this directory instead of the server's temp directory?


            PHP 8.3 was just released and not supported yet; please use PHP 8.2. You are also missing a lot of the other extensions; please install those.

            Yes, I would try making your own temp directory. There are many guides online that explain how to do this.


              Alright, I am now using PHP 8.2.13, I enabled as many PHP extensions as I could, now the only ones not enabled are gdlib and APCu.
              I tried making my own temp directory but I haven't had much luck. Tickets are still not exporting.

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