In creating a form I included a field for when a part has arrived and been checked in for a the specfic client related to a ticket. As we have over 200 open tickets at a time it would be useful for my scheduler if when the box is checked that it automatically triggered an email or some kind of alert for the scheduler so that job can be put on the schedule. I am using v1.18 (724de45).

Advice and recommendations are greatly appreciated.


    You can setup a Ticket Filter that can send an email to specified addresses when the checkbox is checked during Ticket creation; through the portal and API. Ticket Filters apply on Ticket creation only; not after it’s been created. You cannot apply this filter to email created Tickets as they can’t check a box via email.

    If you want to do this after Ticket creation then you will have to do everything manually.

    You could have your Agents/Users check the box then once the box is checked have your Agents Transfer the Ticket to a Department that has your scheduler in it or simply assign the Ticket directly to the scheduler. Both of these actions can send an alert to the Department Members or Assignee (depending on the method you choose). In those emails you can utilize Template Variable to pull whatever information you want from the User and Ticket.



    14 days later

    Thank you I took your advice and added another department and we are transferring the ticket there when appropriate. Very helpful especially when using a personal queue.

    Now that we are doing the above and we have 40 plus tickets that are in various stages of the part acquisition process (to be ordered, ordered, shipped, arrived, checked in, and job scheduled) it would be great to have a way to pull only the relevant fields out of a ticket into a single report or search to make things more manageable. Right now an advanced search only gives you the option to see certain fields. Not any that I have created.


      You can only export fields on the Ticket Details Form. You cannot export Custom Form data at this time. We hope to add this in v2.0 so stay tuned!


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