Buenas tardes, ¿cómo están?
En esta oportunidad se nos presentó la necesidad de realizar informes semanales basados en los tickets abiertos. ¿Existe una forma de automatizar este proceso? ¿se podría implementar con API?
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  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • arianaDistri

    Not at this time, no. There are no automated reports and the API only allows for Ticket creation.

    With this being said you can export the Dashboard Reports at any time you'd like you would just need to manually click Export each time. You can also export any Queue, Advanced Search, and Saved Search. You could create a Saved Search or Queue with the criteria you are looking for and manually export those when needed.



    Not at this time, no. There are no automated reports and the API only allows for Ticket creation.

    With this being said you can export the Dashboard Reports at any time you'd like you would just need to manually click Export each time. You can also export any Queue, Advanced Search, and Saved Search. You could create a Saved Search or Queue with the criteria you are looking for and manually export those when needed.


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