We are running osTicket 1.17.1 on Windows Server 2019, IIS 10, PHP 8.0, MySQL 5.7.43
Occassionally, we experience Error 501 and the osticket front end (Open New Ticket page) stop working.
We must then restart IIS web server to get it back running.
We find no error in php error log file.
Inside osTicket Admin Panel also no error.
When stoppage happens, we have found that even just "restart website" in IIS doesn't resolve the problem. Must restart the IIS web server.
We currently fail to identify what could be the cause. We suspect maybe at certain point in time, there could be too many users (over 200 users or more maybe) browsing the front end.
Does osTicket has any limit on concurrent user connections?
Is it possible we do stress test and simulate concurrent user connection to osTicket front end page? But how can we do that?
Any advice on how to troubleshoot such issue?
Appreciate any help. Thanks.