I've upgraded from 1.17.2 to 1.18.0
The upgrade went fine with no errors.
It appeared that I couldn't log in afterwards , after putting in my 2FA code the page didn't move on just displaying a spinning load icon but never took me to the next page. After logging in with another user I was able to see that my login had been successful and I was able to change the URL to /scp/profile.php and see and edit my profile and see and edit anything on the admin pages. However as soon as I try to view anything on the agent side relating to tickets I get a long period of the spinning wheel and then "This page isn't working" "< helpdesk URL> didn't end any data" "ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE". I can view dashboards, users, tasks and knowledgebase but not tickets.
There are no errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log
There are no errors on the browser console
I've tried with with a number of user accounts and different browsers and different PCs and its always the same
Any hints or help would be appreciated.
Server Information
osTicket Version v1.18 (724de45) — Up to date
Web Server Software Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
MySQL Version 10.6.15
PHP Version 8.1.22
PHP Extensions
gdlib Used for image manipulation and PDF printing
imap Used for email fetching
xml-dom Used for HTML email processing
json Improves performance creating and processing JSON
mbstring Highly recommended for non western european language content
phar Highly recommended for plugins and language packs
intl Highly recommended for non western european language content
fileinfo Used to detect file types for uploads
zip Used for ticket and task exporting
APCu Improves overall performance
Zend Opcache Improves overall performance
PHP Settings
cgi.fix_pathinfo "1" is recommended if AJAX is not working
date.timezone Europe/London
Database Information and Usage
Schema osticket202211 (localhost)
Schema Signature 5fb92bef17f3b603659e024c01cc7a59
Space Used 1398.50 MiB
Space for Attachments 617.52 MiB
Timezone BST (Interpreted as Europe/London)