Thank you for your answer Kevin. I don't think I explain my question properly, so I'll try to elaborate with an example.
During the process of replying to a client, one agent might want to reference another ticket and manually add the link . That would take the client to said ticket. But then that ticket won't work for agents, so another link would need to be added
To avoid having to post 2 links (one for agents and one for clients) we have been using just the variable as a link. So the link is created pointing just to ?id=123456. That link woks for both the client side and agent side.
The problem with that, is that that link, in the context of the email that is sent to the client notifying him of the answer will not work (because is not a "full" link, it only works relative to the website)
that said, I guess the question would be, could the file that parses the content of the agents reply to send the email add before the ?id=123456 to the mail that is sent to the client and to the mail that is sent to the agents?
thank you again!