We have an on-premise Active Directory setup and have been using LDAPS for quite some time. During an internal audit, we were made aware that osTicket was still using insecure LDAP to port 389. Would it be possible to configure the plugin to have a box for "TLS" under the Microsoft Active Directory heading that enables LDAPS and uses port 636 instead of 389?
Edit: I should also include that I tried using LDAPS by specifying the servers and ports then checking the use TLS option, but that doesn't work, either. It's not able to bind to the server.
This is the error message I see when I try that method:
AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: ldap_close(): Argument #1 ($ldap) must be of type LDAP\\Connection, bool given in phar:///var/www/html/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/include/Net/LDAP2.php:701\nStack trace:\n#0 phar:///var/www/html/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/include/Net/LDAP2.php(701): ldap_close()\n#1 /var/www/html/include/pear/PEAR.php(755): Net_LDAP2->_Net_LDAP2()\n#2 [internal function]: _PEAR_call_destructors()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in phar:///var/www/html/include/plugins/auth-ldap.phar/include/Net/LDAP2.php on line 701', referer:
Using the latest plugin 0.6.2.