Hi All,
I have Department A, B and C. I have created Organization O1, O2 and O3. I have users u1, u2 and u3. u1 assigned to O1 and u2 assigned to O2 and u3 assigned to O3. I have created Agents ( Ag1, Ag2, Ag3). I want Agent Ag1 to view Only organization O1 and User 1. Agent Ag1 should not view other organization ( O2,O3) and users ( u2 and u3).
I am able to restrict Agent per Department but could NOT restrict Agent per Organization and then 'restricted access' to only the users of a given Organization.
I am able to remove users Tab and organization can be removed Permission for Agent but my requirement is to have dedicated Agent per Organization and then 'restricted access' to only the users of a given Organization which is currently Not possible.
Is there a way to achieve this requirement using Code changes or SQL query changes in osticket version 1.17. Could you help to meet this requirement "restrict Agent per Organization and then restricted access to only the users of a given Organization".