Hello, somebody help me. we have an OTRS ticketing system, and our team plans to migrate all the tickets to osticket.

Can somebody confirm if this is doable or not?


    It should be but you'll have to write your own migration script. We don't have migrators from any other platform. This is something we hope to introduce after v2.0; no promises though.



    As I mentioned above we don’t have a migrator so we wouldn’t have any links or guides.


    a month later

    I am planning to do the same from spiceworks SQLite to osticket. @rfulo Were you able to successfully complete your migration?

    2 months later

    If it's helpful, we ended up setting up our own migration scripts from Spiceworks to OsTicket v1.18: https://github[dot]com/UCLH-Scientific-Computing/00-SpiceWorks-Migration

      KevinTheJedi sorry about that - I thought it might be helpful, since I wasn't able to find resources before when I was looking through the forums.


        No worries. Posting a resolution is not an issue. The issue comes when you spam the link in multiple discussions. Best practice is to find the latest discussion (or create your own) and post your resolution there.


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