osTicket version v1.15.8
Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu)
MySQL 10.1.48
PHP 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.17

Trying to get the system to increments the numbers in a certain orden, I determined a custom ticket number for my osticket, it starts like S25#-23, I set the #9 as the next number to be put in that sequence, the system increments each last digits to 1, so #S259-23 was assigned to the first incoming ticket, #S2510-23 was assigned to the second one, not #S260-2 as I thought it would be. Is there any other way to change the way the system increments those numbers.

    I think this is expected behavior. If you want the sequence to be your way you better specify S2#-23 and start with 59.
    Or even S#-23 and start with 259

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