Welcome here ! 🙂

I come to you after multiple time processing tasks of upgrade OsTicket.

I come from a old Osticket 1.9.2 running on an old debian 8 with php 5.6...
When i upgrade to 1.9.15 (without database upgrade) no problem.
But, when i try any other versions of osticket for upgrading him, to the latest, or step by step, i 'm catched by the following error:
"[CREATE TABLE ost_translation ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, object_hash char(16) CHARACTER SET ascii DEFAULT NULL, type enum('phrase', 'article', 'override') DEFAULT NULL, flags int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', revision int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, agent_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', lang varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', text mediumtext NOT NULL, source_text text, updated timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY type (type, lang), KEY object_hash (object_hash) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8] Table 'ost_translation' already exists "

Did you have any idea for that ? 😃

My tests for upgrading are in a new independant VM that's running debian 10, php 5.6

By advance, many thanks 🙂


    Well, for one, if you are upgrading to the latest, supported versions () then you will need to have a server with the latest pre-requisites installed (ie. PHP 8.0-8.1, MySQL/MariaDB, Apache/IIS/LiteSpeed).

    Secondly, It's saying a table already exists when it shouldn't. You can restore from backup, delete the translation table from the database, and run the upgrader.

    Lastly, if you are running any plugins currently you'll need to download the latest builds of the plugins from our website and put them in your plugin folder before upgrading.


      KevinTheJedi Before all, thanks for your time 🙂

      My first problem was solved by a friend that has showed a missconfiguration of the target engcodage database ^^"
      I've tried before to update to 10RC3, which sound like compatible with my php install.
      After overwwrtied the taget database with good encodage, the update ran correctly 🙂

      But, now, from 10RC3 to 16.5, i've now another problem .... that not mentionned 😮

      When i try to log into the SCP page, he turn loop without any erroy 😢 (id are good)

      If you have any idea, i take ^^
      (j've updated correctly with my differnets versions my plugins 🙂
      @ + 🙂

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