Hello everyone! This is my first message on the forum and I hope to ask an interesting question.
I've been using OSticket for some time now, I find it very useful and would like to customize it a bit. Since on the system log page I frequently see events like "Invalid CSRF token" and the corresponding source IP address, I would like to send this kind of messages to an external log collector for further elaboration. I know that these log events are stored in a database table and not on a file, so I wonder if there is already a plugin to send them to an external destination or if it's possible to use an API to do so. I'm not a PHP programmer, so I don't think I can write such a plugin by myself.

Thank you in advance.

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • gica78r

    No, we don't have such functionality available at this time. You'd need to write your own script/plugin to push the logs externally.

    I will say that this is already on our Feature Request list for possible future development, so please stay tuned!

    We do send some alerts to the Admin Email however it does not send everything so the best option would be to write your own script/plugin and send the desired logs.



    No, we don't have such functionality available at this time. You'd need to write your own script/plugin to push the logs externally.

    I will say that this is already on our Feature Request list for possible future development, so please stay tuned!

    We do send some alerts to the Admin Email however it does not send everything so the best option would be to write your own script/plugin and send the desired logs.


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