Hi Carlos,
What follows will be a shameless plug, but you may find it interesting.
I started using osTicket to support my small IT firm many years ago. It completely transformed my productivity. It became the tab in my browser that I spent the most time interfacing with. But I am a very visual person and I found the UI a bit wanting.
I'm also a web developer, so I started tweaking the interface for my own purposes. I would make a few small changes here and there, and some days I would spend hours at a time working on it.
At some point I was pleased with the result and it occurred to me that it was a shame I would be the only person who will ever benefit from this effort.
What came to mind was how Apple had taken open source Unix and BSD code, made them prettier and released them as a commercial product: OS X.
So (without knowing whether or not there would be any interest in my offering) I went out on a limb and started theming osTicket from scratch.
By the time I released osTicket Awesome in 2016 there were one or two inexpensive themes available for the Client Portal. But my theme was the first and the only one that attempted the infinitely more daunting task of improving the Staff Panel.
Far from a simple CSS fix, I had literally put hundreds of development hours into that first release.
Not unexpectedly a few osTicket and open-source enthusists in this forum scoffed at the idea of paying $100 USD for a theme that improved a free product. But thankfully the number of customers quickly outpaced the critics.
As the years went on I added many improvements as requested by my customers including
• a fully-responsive design
• user-customizable logo, background and color options
• and, most recently, Night Mode for agents.
I can't quantify how many thousands of hours of development have gone into these enhancements at this point.
And over the past 7 years I have released a corresponding update to osTicket Awesome for each osTicket release — usually within one week or less.
Indeed, I have subsequently seen many other themes come and go. But I love osTicket and I still enjoy working on this side hussle. I am committed to developing and supporting osTicket Awesome for many years to come.
If you have any questions, let me know.
[Edited by admin - don’t post direct links to mods]