I would like to export the following from the ticketing tool, i am not sure if it is possible, however need the same for monthly review and your help and support may make it possible.

Ticket Number
Creation Date and Time
From (User)
User(Email ID)
Issue Summary
Who Created the ticket
To whom it has been assigned
SLA Plan
Ticketing Source
Service Type(Have added a new filed in Ticket Form)
Service Category (Have added a new filed in Ticket Form)
Client Name(Have added a new filed in Ticket Form)
Priority Level
Closing Date and Time
Resolution Time
Last Message Thread(What was the last message posted on the ticket)


    You can create a Queue with whatever criteria you want, set the columns you want, and then you can go to the Queue and click the Export button at the botttom to export the data you need (you can enable/disable certain columns in the export). I will say that you cannot export threads or thread entires (ie. Last Message Thread) as CSV can't handle the complexity of that data.


      Thank You Kevin for your response.
      I can understand thread entries cannot be exported since csv can't handle, however there is no column for closed by.
      So i am able to export the data in following format:

      However, there is no Closed By column to export, by the above i am unable to identified how many tickets have been closed by specific agent,

      If i get the closed by cloumn by any chance it would be easy to identify the productivity of the agent as how many tickets have been closed by him/her in a month or so.


        Typically for getting “reporting” data you can do specific advanced searches with criteria like Closed By Agent then just export those results. It won’t export the Closed By column but you’ll already know what Agent it’s for as you specified them in the criteria.


        I have added few fields in ticket details form which i am able to export as per below screen shot, however i am unable to find closed by field in the export list, is there any way, i can add that field and get this exported along with the above list.
        May be addition in any of the data tables, or through admin page.

        Export List is coming from below source in screen shot, where all the fields are in export list(like Status, Priority, Department, Create Date, SLA Plan, Closed Date, User, Email, Source, Help Topic, etc.) except closed by, not sure why. please help me adding this closed by field in export list, it will really help in saving approximately 3 hours a day.

        Your prompt response and support will be highly appreciated.
        Thanks & Regards

        a year later
        5 months later

        same we are able to export the data but the response is getting only in date but not the time can you please check how to retrieve the response time with data .

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