Hi dear community, I'm start from few days to use osTicket and I have a question for personalize the pdf print of a ticket.
I have create a personalize module with type informations for insert "general conditions" only simple text that not need to modify from user (MANAGE->FORMS->CUSTOM FORMS).
The problem is when I print in PDF the ticket this module is not import from the code and not view in the pdf. Can anyone help me? If there isn't frontend solutions is there a php code for import it directly in ticket-print.tmpl.php?
I hope my english is clear.
Many Thanks.
Print in PDF custom module type informations
Information fields are strictly informational and cannot be printed/exported. If you want to be able to print this field then you must change it to another field type.
Hi Kevin, thank for your answer. The little problem is that other type of field not permit to have a precopiled field with standard text. This mean the user must for every ticket reinsert the text and is not immediate. Is there any solution to insert a precompile field? Thanks.