Currently I'm using osTicket v1.16.2
I had properly setup filters for new tickets.
After upgrading to 1.16.2 we starts to get issues with filters

I'm using REGEX filters

but after saving it is constantly suplemented by adding prefix and suffix and it looks like this

Why it is suplemented ?
And why it stops filtering properly ?

    Maybe my issue is realated to the fact that in:

    I have few active filters which has duplicated "order"

    And thus some of filters are not fired ?
    In such case was there a change in the code in recent half year ?

      I have many filtrers.
      From all this filters one 3 of them was not firing correctly.
      I notice that they used ORDER ID which was already in use - use the same "ORDER ID" (1,1,20,20,81,81)

      My question is:
      If few filters have the same ORDER ID, will all be fired or only one?


        It could definitely be an issue. I would update the sort order via the database (or UI) and retest.


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