Is there a way to limit the visibility of the help topics to certain organizations?
Restrict Help topics to Organization
I do not believe so - A feature request was opened on github 10/14/21 but doesn't have much activity.
There was a modification for 1.14 but sadly it doesn't work with 1.16.
I'm going to leave the link here in case someone wants to fix the code:
- Best Answerset by djcat
All feature requests will be reviewed post-v2.0 release. For now we are focusing on supporting Oauth2.0 for legacy (current code) as well as v2.0 which is the full codebase rewrite.
Hey @djcat this PR was just published and could be matching what you're looking for ;-)
Hi KevinTheJedi
is there any chance to include this feature in the coming core update
No, not the slightest chance. Legacy is strictly in maintenance mode as we are focusing on v2.0.
Hey KevinTheJedi how's this V2.0 shaping up? Any timeline in sight?