i have closed a ticket but i can't see it in the queue closed, do you know what i have to do to see it?
can't see closed tickets
Sounds like you were assigned to the ticket and now that it’s closed you no longer have access. Make sure you have access to all departments in the helpdesk if you want to see all tickets.
is there a way to see just the tickets that i closed?
Not necessarily. Let's say you have Department A and Department B. Let's say your Agent account only has access to Department A. Now, let's say a Ticket gets created under Department B and you (or your Team) are Assigned the Ticket. Since you are directly Assigned you will be able to interact with that Ticket even though you don't have access to the Department. Now, once you (or anyone else) Closes this Ticket the Assignment is Released (removed) and you will no longer have access to that Ticket (even in the Closed Queue). Now if a Ticket was created under Department A and you Close it, you should be able to see it in the Closed Queue.
With this being said you can enable an option for your Agent Account to have the ability to Search all Tickets even ones you don't have access to. You can only search them and will not be able to see them in queues, click to view them, or interact with them in any way. You can just see the basic data displayed (Number, Created Date, Subject, From, Priority, and Assignee).
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@KevinTheJedi heJedi"
The ticket was created under my department, but i can't see it in the closed queue.
- Best Answerset by KevinTheJedi
Sounds like either the Ticket was not in your Department, you have View only Assigned Tickets
setting enabled for your agent account, the Ticket was deleted, or your Closed queue has some wonky configurations that is excluding the ticket.
If you have access to the Ticket's Department then by default you should be able to see it regardless of its status.
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I have disabled the View only Assigned Tickets setting and now i see every ticket closed by my Departement. Is there a way to see only the tickets that i closed?
No, we don't have a "Closed By" criteria so you cannot search or filter by whom closed it.
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staff's user can see all his closed tickets (only tickets closed by him) on every department (not only his department) :
edit this file : include/class.staff.php
in function : getTicketsVisibility()
after this line : $visibility = Q::any(new Q(array('statusstate'=>'open', $assigned)));
add this line : $visibility->add ( Q::all(array('statusstate'=>'closed', 'staff_id' => $this->getId() )) );
work fine for me
We added the line: $visibility->add ( Q::all(array('status__state'=>'closed' )) );
now i can see tickets that i closed.
We also encountering the same problem regarding closed ticket visibility. I tried to follow the Auto Refer on Close function. However, I got the same result.
Admins can see all the ticket, but agent can also see OPEN tickets within the department (this is okay). However, when they tried to CLOSED tickets within their own department, they can't see it.
f-damodio , I am using osTicket v1.18.1, your post helped me a lot, thank you, I just modified it a little so that the agents, who have the option to see only their own tickets activated, only see the tickets that they themselves closed. The line is this... $visibility->add ( Q::all(array('status__state'=>'closed', $assigned)) );