I am currently checking out osTicket and if it would be useful to us. A big requirement for me is a good german translation (at least for the users), which is given or we can set what to display ourselves.
However I was wondering why the pop up boxes are still in English on the admin side of things:

I did check out the de.phar file, and in line 296 there is a translation for this specific text in the screenshot, so i was wondering why that is not getting applied.
I'm currently on v1.15.4, PHP version 7.4.13 and using IIS.

I was also wondering how/where i would go if i wanted to polish up the german translation itself a bit. For example why is there a new line character in here?

Or translating a word in one way, only to use a completely different word in the actual explanation.
Just curious if i could contribute a bit from my side there.

Kind regards


    As far as why that particular Help Tip is in English, I have no clue. I would assume it’s not translated or just not included in the PHAR yet but since you say it’s translated in the PHAR I’m not sure. I’ll have to play with it to see if I can replicate this.

    As far as how to contribute, you can create an account on Crowdin and submit suggestions on our project. If you would like to be able to Approve translations in a specific language (or languages) you can send us a message containing the reason why and your experience with the language.


      Here is a screenshot from the PHAR, you can see the usage of the # sign:

      (Also for some reason, the same text occurs in line 1636, although i'm not exactly sure how PHAR files are structured, so that may be intentional.)

      And thank you! I'll go check it out and see if i can find the thing i want to change!

      EDIT: Just tested a fresh install with the language file put in already before the install. Issue still persists. I also noticed that apparently there are translated versions for the default texts, like the landing page etc., those do not get applied as well.

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