When a user "rc-test2" created a new ticket which ID is 000028, IT received the ticket notification email which subject is :"Ticket Assigned to you", IT replied the email, the message not attachment the ticket(000028), osTicket system will create a new ticket which ID is 000029 and username is IT, as I understood, IT can replied message both email and web under the previous ticket(000028), why the system will create a new ticket? It's not make sense, if IT replied email again, the system won't create new ticket again, the message will attach to the ticket(000029).

Thank you.

  • KevinTheJedi replied to this.
  • @smallfish

    We do not allow agents to respond via email. If they respond to a user message or new message alert it will add to the thread as an internal note but that’s the extent of it. Reason we don’t allow agent responses via email traditionally is because it’s very easy to impersonate an agent. Anyone can fake an email and would easily be able to update tickets, etc.

    We have a footer on the default alert that says the following for this reason:



    I would assume the headers of the email doesn’t match. We use the References headers on incoming mail to match existing threads. If it’s creating a new ticket then I would assume the References header of the incoming email does not have the Message-ID from the original email.



      After looking at this again I realized that I completely read your OP wrong, I apologize about that. My answer to you should have been: Agents cannot reply to the assignment alert via email. This is why there is a link to the Ticket in the alert, so they can easily click to view it and add whatever updates in the UI.


        KevinTheJedi Thanks Kevin.
        I am quite confused when a ticket auto assign to agent and he received the assignment alert email, why he cannot reply the email directly? I think it's not make sense, please advise.
        Thank you so much.


        We do not allow agents to respond via email. If they respond to a user message or new message alert it will add to the thread as an internal note but that’s the extent of it. Reason we don’t allow agent responses via email traditionally is because it’s very easy to impersonate an agent. Anyone can fake an email and would easily be able to update tickets, etc.

        We have a footer on the default alert that says the following for this reason:


          KevinTheJedi Thanks Kevin.
          Your means agent need to reply users from web port, but users can reply from email, I think in user side, reply email is very convenient, right?

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