Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.ticket.php'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.draft.php'); //Ticket thread. class Thread { var $id; // same as ticket ID. var $ticket; function Thread($ticket) { $this->ticket = $ticket; $this->id = 0; $this->load(); } function load() { if(!$this->getTicketId()) return null; $sql='SELECT ticket.ticket_id as id ' .' ,count(DISTINCT attach.attach_id) as attachments ' .' ,count(DISTINCT as messages ' .' ,count(DISTINCT as responses ' .' ,count(DISTINCT as notes ' .' FROM '.TICKET_TABLE.' ticket ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach ON (' .'ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id) ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' message ON (' ."ticket.ticket_id=message.ticket_id AND message.thread_type = 'M') " .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' response ON (' ."ticket.ticket_id=response.ticket_id AND response.thread_type = 'R') " .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' note ON ( ' ."ticket.ticket_id=note.ticket_id AND note.thread_type = 'N') " .' WHERE ticket.ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId()) .' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id'; if(!($res=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res)) return false; $this->ht = db_fetch_array($res); $this->id = $this->ht['id']; return true; } function getId() { return $this->id; } function getTicketId() { return $this->getTicket()?$this->getTicket()->getId():0; } function getTicket() { return $this->ticket; } function getNumAttachments() { return $this->ht['attachments']; } function getNumMessages() { return $this->ht['messages']; } function getNumResponses() { return $this->ht['responses']; } function getNumNotes() { return $this->ht['notes']; } function getCount() { return $this->getNumMessages() + $this->getNumResponses(); } function getMessages() { return $this->getEntries('M'); } function getResponses() { return $this->getEntries('R'); } function getNotes() { return $this->getEntries('N'); } function getEntries($type, $order='ASC') { if(!$order || !in_array($order, array('DESC','ASC'))) $order='ASC'; $sql='SELECT thread.* , COALESCE(, IF(staff.staff_id, CONCAT_WS(" ", staff.firstname, staff.lastname), NULL)) as name ' .' ,count(DISTINCT attach.attach_id) as attachments ' .' FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' thread ' .' LEFT JOIN '.USER_TABLE.' user ON ( ' .' LEFT JOIN '.STAFF_TABLE.' staff ON (thread.staff_id=staff.staff_id) ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach ON (thread.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id AND ' .' WHERE thread.ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId()); if($type && is_array($type)) $sql.=' AND thread.thread_type IN('.implode(',', db_input($type)).')'; elseif($type) $sql.=' AND thread.thread_type='.db_input($type); $sql.=' GROUP BY ' .' ORDER BY thread.created '.$order; $entries = array(); if(($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) { while($rec=db_fetch_array($res)) { $rec['body'] = ThreadBody::fromFormattedText($rec['body'], $rec['format']); $entries[] = $rec; } } return $entries; } function getEntry($id) { return ThreadEntry::lookup($id, $this->getTicketId()); } function addNote($vars, &$errors) { //Add ticket Id. $vars['ticketId'] = $this->getTicketId(); return Note::create($vars, $errors); } function addMessage($vars, &$errors) { $vars['ticketId'] = $this->getTicketId(); $vars['staffId'] = 0; return Message::create($vars, $errors); } function addResponse($vars, &$errors) { $vars['ticketId'] = $this->getTicketId(); $vars['userId'] = 0; return Response::create($vars, $errors); } function deleteAttachments() { $deleted=0; // Clear reference table $res=db_query('DELETE FROM '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId())); if ($res && db_affected_rows()) $deleted = AttachmentFile::deleteOrphans(); return $deleted; } function delete() { $sql = 'UPDATE '.TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE.' mid INNER JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' thread ON ( = mid.thread_id) SET mid.headers = null WHERE thread.ticket_id = ' .db_input($this->getTicketId()); db_query($sql); $res=db_query('DELETE FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' WHERE ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId())); if(!$res || !db_affected_rows()) return false; $this->deleteAttachments(); return true; } /* static */ function lookup($ticket) { return ($ticket && is_object($ticket) && ($thread = new Thread($ticket)) && $thread->getId() )?$thread:null; } function getVar($name) { switch ($name) { case 'original': return Message::firstByTicketId($this->ticket->getId()) ->getBody(); break; case 'last_message': case 'lastmessage': return $this->ticket->getLastMessage()->getBody(); break; } } } Class ThreadEntry { var $id; var $ht; var $staff; var $ticket; var $attachments; function ThreadEntry($id, $type='', $ticketId=0) { $this->load($id, $type, $ticketId); } function load($id=0, $type='', $ticketId=0) { if(!$id && !($id=$this->getId())) return false; $sql='SELECT thread.*, info.email_mid, info.headers ' .' ,count(DISTINCT attach.attach_id) as attachments ' .' FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' thread ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE.' info ON ( ' .' LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' attach ON (thread.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id AND ' .' WHERE'.db_input($id); if($type) $sql.=' AND thread.thread_type='.db_input($type); if($ticketId) $sql.=' AND thread.ticket_id='.db_input($ticketId); $sql.=' GROUP BY '; if(!($res=db_query($sql)) || !db_num_rows($res)) return false; $this->ht = db_fetch_array($res); $this->id = $this->ht['id']; $this->staff = $this->ticket = null; $this->attachments = array(); return true; } function reload() { return $this->load(); } function getId() { return $this->id; } function getPid() { return $this->ht['pid']; } function getType() { return $this->ht['thread_type']; } function getSource() { return $this->ht['source']; } function getPoster() { return $this->ht['poster']; } function getTitle() { return $this->ht['title']; } function getBody() { return ThreadBody::fromFormattedText($this->ht['body'], $this->ht['format']); } function setBody($body) { global $cfg; if (!$body instanceof ThreadBody) { if ($cfg->isHtmlThreadEnabled()) $body = new HtmlThreadBody($body); else $body = new TextThreadBody($body); } $sql='UPDATE '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' SET updated=NOW()' .',format='.db_input($body->getType()) .',body='.db_input((string) $body) .' WHERE id='.db_input($this->getId()); return db_query($sql) && db_affected_rows(); } function getCreateDate() { return $this->ht['created']; } function getUpdateDate() { return $this->ht['updated']; } function getNumAttachments() { return $this->ht['attachments']; } function getTicketId() { return $this->ht['ticket_id']; } function getEmailMessageId() { return $this->ht['email_mid']; } function getEmailHeaderArray() { require_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.mailparse.php'); if (!isset($this->ht['@headers'])) $this->ht['@headers'] = Mail_Parse::splitHeaders($this->ht['headers']); return $this->ht['@headers']; } function getEmailReferences($include_mid=true) { $references = ''; $headers = self::getEmailHeaderArray(); if (isset($headers['References']) && $headers['References']) $references = $headers['References']." "; if ($include_mid) $references .= $this->getEmailMessageId(); return $references; } function getTaggedEmailReferences($prefix, $refId) { $ref = "+$prefix".Base32::encode(pack('VV', $this->getId(), $refId)); $mid = substr_replace($this->getEmailMessageId(), $ref, strpos($this->getEmailMessageId(), '@'), 0); return sprintf('%s %s', $this->getEmailReferences(false), $mid); } function getEmailReferencesForUser($user) { return $this->getTaggedEmailReferences('u', ($user instanceof Collaborator) ? $user->getUserId() : $user->getId()); } function getEmailReferencesForStaff($staff) { return $this->getTaggedEmailReferences('s', $staff->getId()); } function getUIDFromEmailReference($ref) { $info = unpack('Vtid/Vuid', Base32::decode(strtolower(substr($ref, -13)))); if ($info && $info['tid'] == $this->getId()) return $info['uid']; } function getTicket() { if(!$this->ticket && $this->getTicketId()) $this->ticket = Ticket::lookup($this->getTicketId()); return $this->ticket; } function getStaffId() { return $this->ht['staff_id']; } function getStaff() { if(!$this->staff && $this->getStaffId()) $this->staff = Staff::lookup($this->getStaffId()); return $this->staff; } function getUserId() { return $this->ht['user_id']; } function getUser() { if (!isset($this->user)) { if (!($ticket = $this->getTicket())) return null; if ($ticket->getOwnerId() == $this->getUserId()) $this->user = new TicketOwner( User::lookup($this->getUserId()), $ticket); else $this->user = Collaborator::lookup(array( 'userId'=>$this->getUserId(), 'ticketId'=>$this->getTicketId())); } return $this->user; } function getEmailHeader() { return $this->ht['headers']; } function isAutoReply() { if (!isset($this->is_autoreply)) $this->is_autoreply = $this->getEmailHeaderArray() ? TicketFilter::isAutoReply($this->getEmailHeaderArray()) : false; return $this->is_autoreply; } function isBounce() { if (!isset($this->is_bounce)) $this->is_bounce = $this->getEmailHeaderArray() ? TicketFilter::isBounce($this->getEmailHeaderArray()) : false; return $this->is_bounce; } function isBounceOrAutoReply() { return ($this->isAutoReply() || $this->isBounce()); } //Web uploads - caller is expected to format, validate and set any errors. function uploadFiles($files) { if(!$files || !is_array($files)) return false; $uploaded=array(); foreach($files as $file) { if($file['error'] && $file['error']==UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) continue; if(!$file['error'] && ($id=AttachmentFile::upload($file)) && $this->saveAttachment($id)) $uploaded[]=$id; else { if(!$file['error']) $error = sprintf(__('Unable to upload file - %s'),$file['name']); elseif(is_numeric($file['error'])) $error ='Error #'.$file['error']; //TODO: Transplate to string. else $error = $file['error']; /* Log the error as an internal note. XXX: We're doing it here because it will eventually become a thread post comment (hint: comments coming!) XXX: logNote must watch for possible loops */ $this->getTicket()->logNote(__('File Upload Error'), $error, 'SYSTEM', false); } } return $uploaded; } function importAttachments(&$attachments) { if(!$attachments || !is_array($attachments)) return null; $files = array(); foreach($attachments as &$attachment) if(($id=$this->importAttachment($attachment))) $files[] = $id; return $files; } /* Emailed & API attachments handler */ function importAttachment(&$attachment) { if(!$attachment || !is_array($attachment)) return null; $id=0; if ($attachment['error'] || !($id=$this->saveAttachment($attachment))) { $error = $attachment['error']; if(!$error) $error = sprintf(_S('Unable to import attachment - %s'),$attachment['name']); $this->getTicket()->logNote(_S('File Import Error'), $error, _S('SYSTEM'), false); } return $id; } /* Save attachment to the DB. @file is a mixed var - can be ID or file hashtable. */ function saveAttachment(&$file) { if (is_numeric($file)) $fileId = $file; elseif (is_array($file) && isset($file['id'])) $fileId = $file['id']; elseif (!($fileId = AttachmentFile::save($file))) return 0; $inline = is_array($file) && @$file['inline']; // TODO: Add a unique index to TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE (file_id, // ref_id), and remove this block if ($id = db_result(db_query('SELECT attach_id FROM '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE .' WHERE file_id='.db_input($fileId).' AND ref_id=' .db_input($this->getId())))) return $id; $sql ='INSERT IGNORE INTO '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' SET created=NOW() ' .' ,file_id='.db_input($fileId) .' ,ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId()) .' ,inline='.db_input($inline ? 1 : 0) .' ,ref_id='.db_input($this->getId()); return (db_query($sql) && ($id=db_insert_id()))?$id:0; } function saveAttachments($files) { $ids=array(); foreach($files as $file) if(($id=$this->saveAttachment($file))) $ids[] = $id; return $ids; } function getAttachments() { if($this->attachments) return $this->attachments; //XXX: inner join the file table instead? $sql='SELECT a.attach_id, as file_id, f.size, lower(f.`key`) as file_hash,, a.inline ' .' FROM '.FILE_TABLE.' f ' .' INNER JOIN '.TICKET_ATTACHMENT_TABLE.' a ON( ' .' WHERE a.ticket_id='.db_input($this->getTicketId()) .' AND a.ref_id='.db_input($this->getId()); $this->attachments = array(); if(($res=db_query($sql)) && db_num_rows($res)) { while($rec=db_fetch_array($res)) $this->attachments[] = $rec; } return $this->attachments; } function getAttachmentUrls($script='image.php') { $json = array(); foreach ($this->getAttachments() as $att) { $json[$att['file_hash']] = array( 'download_url' => sprintf('attachment.php?id=%d&h=%s', $att['attach_id'], strtolower(md5($att['file_id'].session_id().$att['file_hash']))), 'filename' => $att['name'], ); } return $json; } function getAttachmentsLinks($file='attachment.php', $target='', $separator=' ') { $str=''; foreach($this->getAttachments() as $attachment ) { if ($attachment['inline']) continue; /* The hash can be changed but must match validation in @file */ $hash=md5($attachment['file_id'].session_id().$attachment['file_hash']); $size = ''; if($attachment['size']) $size=sprintf('(%s)', Format::file_size($attachment['size'])); $str.=sprintf('%s%s %s', $file, $attachment['attach_id'], $hash, $target, Format::htmlchars($attachment['name']), $size, $separator); } return $str; } /** * postEmail * * After some security and sanity checks, attaches the body and subject * of the message in reply to this thread item * * Parameters: * mailinfo - (array) of information about the email, with at least the * following keys * - mid - (string) email message-id * - name - (string) personal name of email originator * - email - (string) originating email address * - subject - (string) email subject line (decoded) * - body - (string) email message body (decoded) */ function postEmail($mailinfo) { global $ost; // +==================+===================+=============+ // | Orig Thread-Type | Reply Thread-Type | Requires | // +==================+===================+=============+ // | * | Message (M) | From: Owner | // | * | Note (N) | From: Staff | // | Response (R) | Message (M) | | // | Message (M) | Response (R) | From: Staff | // +------------------+-------------------+-------------+ if (!$ticket = $this->getTicket()) // Kind of hard to continue a discussion without a ticket ... return false; // Make sure the email is NOT already fetched... (undeleted emails) elseif ($this->getEmailMessageId() == $mailinfo['mid']) // Reporting success so the email can be moved or deleted. return true; // Mail sent by this system will have a message-id format of // // where code is a predictable string based on the SECRET_SALT of // this osTicket installation. If this incoming mail matches the // code, then it very likely originated from this system and looped @list($code) = explode('-', $mailinfo['mid'], 2); if (0 === strcasecmp(ltrim($code, '<'), substr(md5('mail'.SECRET_SALT), -9))) { // This mail was sent by this system. It was received due to // some kind of mail delivery loop. It should not be considered // a response to an existing thread entry if ($ost) $ost->log(LOG_ERR, _S('Email loop detected'), sprintf( _S('It appears as though <%s> is being used as a forwarded or fetched email account and is also being used as a user / system account. Please correct the loop or seek technical assistance.'), $mailinfo['email']), // This is quite intentional -- don't continue the loop false, // Force the message, even if logging is disabled true); return true; } $vars = array( 'mid' => $mailinfo['mid'], 'header' => $mailinfo['header'], 'ticketId' => $ticket->getId(), 'poster' => $mailinfo['name'], 'origin' => 'Email', 'source' => 'Email', 'ip' => '', 'reply_to' => $this, 'recipients' => $mailinfo['recipients'], 'to-email-id' => $mailinfo['to-email-id'], ); $errors = array(); if (isset($mailinfo['attachments'])) $vars['attachments'] = $mailinfo['attachments']; $body = $mailinfo['message']; // Disambiguate if the user happens also to be a staff member of the // system. The current ticket owner should _always_ post messages // instead of notes or responses if ($mailinfo['userId'] || strcasecmp($mailinfo['email'], $ticket->getEmail()) == 0) { $vars['message'] = $body; $vars['userId'] = $mailinfo['userId'] ? $mailinfo['userId'] : $ticket->getUserId(); return $ticket->postMessage($vars, 'Email'); } // XXX: Consider collaborator role elseif ($mailinfo['staffId'] || ($mailinfo['staffId'] = Staff::getIdByEmail($mailinfo['email']))) { $vars['staffId'] = $mailinfo['staffId']; $poster = Staff::lookup($mailinfo['staffId']); $vars['note'] = $body; return $ticket->postNote($vars, $errors, $poster); } elseif (Email::getIdByEmail($mailinfo['email'])) { // Don't process the email -- it came FROM this system return true; } // Support the mail parsing system declaring a thread-type elseif (isset($mailinfo['thread-type'])) { switch ($mailinfo['thread-type']) { case 'N': $vars['note'] = $body; $poster = $mailinfo['email']; return $ticket->postNote($vars, $errors, $poster); } } // TODO: Consider security constraints else { //XXX: Are we potentially leaking the email address to // collaborators? $vars['message'] = sprintf("Received From: %s\n\n%s", $mailinfo['email'], $body); $vars['userId'] = 0; //Unknown user! //XXX: Assume ticket owner? return $ticket->postMessage($vars, 'Email'); } // Currently impossible, but indicate that this thread object could // not append the incoming email. return false; } /* Returns file names with id as key */ function getFiles() { $files = array(); foreach($this->getAttachments() as $attachment) $files[$attachment['file_id']] = $attachment['name']; return $files; } /* save email info * TODO: Refactor it to include outgoing emails on responses. */ function saveEmailInfo($vars) { if(!$vars || !$vars['mid']) return 0; $this->ht['email_mid'] = $vars['mid']; $header = false; if (isset($vars['header'])) $header = $vars['header']; self::logEmailHeaders($this->getId(), $vars['mid'], $header); } /* static */ function logEmailHeaders($id, $mid, $header=false) { $sql='INSERT INTO '.TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE .' SET thread_id='.db_input($id) .', email_mid='.db_input($mid); //TODO: change it to message_id. if ($header) $sql .= ', headers='.db_input($header); return db_query($sql)?db_insert_id():0; } /* variables */ function __toString() { return (string) $this->getBody(); } function asVar() { return (string) $this->getBody()->display('email'); } function getVar($tag) { global $cfg; if($tag && is_callable(array($this, 'get'.ucfirst($tag)))) return call_user_func(array($this, 'get'.ucfirst($tag))); switch(strtolower($tag)) { case 'create_date': return Format::date( $cfg->getDateTimeFormat(), Misc::db2gmtime($this->getCreateDate()), $cfg->getTZOffset(), $cfg->observeDaylightSaving()); break; case 'update_date': return Format::date( $cfg->getDateTimeFormat(), Misc::db2gmtime($this->getUpdateDate()), $cfg->getTZOffset(), $cfg->observeDaylightSaving()); break; } return false; } /* static calls */ function lookup($id, $tid=0, $type='') { return ($id && is_numeric($id) && ($e = new ThreadEntry($id, $type, $tid)) && $e->getId()==$id )?$e:null; } /** * Parameters: * mailinfo (hash) email header information. Must include keys * - "mid" => Message-Id header of incoming mail * - "in-reply-to" => Message-Id the email is a direct response to * - "references" => List of Message-Id's the email is in response * - "subject" => Find external ticket number in the subject line * * seen (by-ref:bool) a flag that will be set if the message-id was * positively found, indicating that the message-id has been * previously seen. This is useful if no thread-id is associated * with the email (if it was rejected for instance). */ function lookupByEmailHeaders(&$mailinfo, &$seen=false) { // Search for messages using the References header, then the // in-reply-to header /* $search = 'SELECT thread_id, email_mid FROM '.TICKET_EMAIL_INFO_TABLE . ' WHERE email_mid=%s ORDER BY thread_id DESC'; if (list($id, $mid) = db_fetch_row(db_query( sprintf($search, db_input($mailinfo['mid']))))) { $seen = true; return ThreadEntry::lookup($id); } foreach (array('in-reply-to', 'references') as $header) { $matches = array(); if (!isset($mailinfo[$header]) || !$mailinfo[$header]) continue; // Header may have multiple entries (usually separated by // spaces ( ) elseif (!preg_match_all('/<[^>@]+@[^>]+>/', $mailinfo[$header], $matches)) continue; // The References header will have the most recent message-id // (parent) on the far right. // @see rfc 1036, section 2.2.5 // @see $thread = null; foreach (array_reverse($matches[0]) as $mid) { //Try to determine if it's a reply to a tagged email. $ref = null; if (strpos($mid, '+')) { list($left, $right) = explode('@',$mid); list($left, $ref) = explode('+', $left); $mid = "$left@$right"; } $res = db_query(sprintf($search, db_input($mid))); while (list($id) = db_fetch_row($res)) { if (!($t = ThreadEntry::lookup($id))) continue; // Capture the first match thread item if (!$thread) $thread = $t; // We found a match - see if we can ID the user. // XXX: Check access of ref is enough? if ($ref && ($uid = $t->getUIDFromEmailReference($ref))) { if ($ref[0] =='s') //staff $mailinfo['staffId'] = $uid; else // user or collaborator. $mailinfo['userId'] = $uid; // Best possible case — found the thread and the // user return $t; } } } // Second best case — found a thread but couldn't identify the // user from the header. Return the first thread entry matched if ($thread) return $thread; }*/ // Search for ticket by the [#123456] in the subject line // This is the last resort - emails must match to avoid message // injection by third-party. $subject = $mailinfo['subject']; $match = array(); if ($subject && $mailinfo['email'] && preg_match ("/\[#(.*?)\]/is", $subject, $match) && ($ticket = Ticket::lookupByNumber($match[1])) //Lookup the user using the email address && ($user = User::lookup(array('emails__address' => $mailinfo['email'])))) { //We have a valid ticket and user $check1 = $ticket->getUserId(); $check2 = $user->getId(); //var_dump($check1); var_dump($check2); if ($check1 == $check2 //owner || ($c = Collaborator::lookup( // check if collaborator array('userId' => $user->getId(), 'ticketId' => $ticket->getId())))) { $mailinfo['userId'] = $user->getId(); return $ticket->getLastMessage(); } } // Search for the message-id token in the body if (preg_match('`(?:data-mid="|Ref-Mid: )([^"\s]*)(?:$|")`', $mailinfo['message'], $match)) if ($thread = ThreadEntry::lookupByRefMessageId($match[1], $mailinfo['email'])) return $thread; return null; } /** * Find a thread entry from a message-id created from the * ::asMessageId() method */ function lookupByRefMessageId($mid, $from) { $mid = trim($mid, '<>'); list($ver, $ids, $mails) = explode('$', $mid, 3); // Current version is if ($ver !== '') return false; $ids = @unpack('Vthread', base64_decode($ids)); if (!$ids || !$ids['thread']) return false; $thread = ThreadEntry::lookup($ids['thread']); if (!$thread) return false; if (0 === strcasecmp($thread->asMessageId($from, $ver), $mid)) return $thread; } /** * Get an email message-id that can be used to represent this thread * entry. The same message-id can be passed to ::lookupByRefMessageId() * to find this thread entry * * Formats: * Initial (version ) * <$:b32(thread-id)$:md5(to-addr.ticket-num.ticket-id)@:md5(url)> * thread-id - thread-id, little-endian INT, packed * :b32() - base32 encoded * to-addr - individual email recipient * ticket-num - external ticket number * ticket-id - internal ticket id * :md5() - last 10 hex chars of MD5 sum * url - helpdesk URL */ function asMessageId($to, $version=false) { global $ost; $domain = md5($ost->getConfig()->getURL()); $ticket = $this->getTicket(); return sprintf('$%s$%s@%s', base64_encode(pack('V', $this->getId())), substr(md5($to . $ticket->getNumber() . $ticket->getId()), -10), substr($domain, -10) ); } //new entry ... we're trusting the caller to check validity of the data. function create($vars) { global $cfg; //Must have... if(!$vars['ticketId'] || !$vars['type'] || !in_array($vars['type'], array('M','R','N'))) return false; if (!$vars['body'] instanceof ThreadBody) { if ($cfg->isHtmlThreadEnabled()) $vars['body'] = new HtmlThreadBody($vars['body']); else $vars['body'] = new TextThreadBody($vars['body']); } // Drop stripped images if ($vars['attachments']) { foreach ($vars['body']->getStrippedImages() as $cid) { foreach ($vars['attachments'] as $i=>$a) { if (@$a['cid'] && $a['cid'] == $cid) { // Inline referenced attachment was stripped unset($vars['attachments'][$i]); } } } } // Handle extracted embedded images (). // The extraction has already been performed in the ThreadBody // class. Here they should simply be added to the attachments list if ($atts = $vars['body']->getEmbeddedHtmlImages()) { if (!is_array($vars['attachments'])) $vars['attachments'] = array(); foreach ($atts as $info) { $vars['attachments'][] = $info; } } if (!($body = $vars['body']->getClean())) $body = '-'; //Special tag used to signify empty message as stored. $poster = $vars['poster']; if ($poster && is_object($poster)) $poster = (string) $poster; $sql=' INSERT INTO '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' SET created=NOW() ' .' ,thread_type='.db_input($vars['type']) .' ,ticket_id='.db_input($vars['ticketId']) .' ,title='.db_input(Format::sanitize($vars['title'], true)) .' ,format='.db_input($vars['body']->getType()) .' ,staff_id='.db_input($vars['staffId']) .' ,user_id='.db_input($vars['userId']) .' ,poster='.db_input($poster) .' ,source='.db_input($vars['source']); if (!isset($vars['attachments']) || !$vars['attachments']) // Otherwise, body will be configured in a block below (after // inline attachments are saved and updated in the database) $sql.=' ,body='.db_input($body); if(isset($vars['pid'])) $sql.=' ,pid='.db_input($vars['pid']); // Check if 'reply_to' is in the $vars as the previous ThreadEntry // instance. If the body of the previous message is found in the new // body, strip it out. elseif (isset($vars['reply_to']) && $vars['reply_to'] instanceof ThreadEntry) $sql.=' ,pid='.db_input($vars['reply_to']->getId()); if($vars['ip_address']) $sql.=' ,ip_address='.db_input($vars['ip_address']); //echo $sql; if(!db_query($sql) || !($entry=self::lookup(db_insert_id(), $vars['ticketId']))) return false; /************* ATTACHMENTS *****************/ //Upload/save attachments IF ANY if($vars['files']) //expects well formatted and VALIDATED files array. $entry->uploadFiles($vars['files']); //Canned attachments... if($vars['cannedattachments'] && is_array($vars['cannedattachments'])) $entry->saveAttachments($vars['cannedattachments']); //Emailed or API attachments if (isset($vars['attachments']) && $vars['attachments']) { foreach ($vars['attachments'] as &$a) if (isset($a['cid']) && $a['cid'] && strpos($body, 'cid:'.$a['cid']) !== false) $a['inline'] = true; unset($a); $entry->importAttachments($vars['attachments']); foreach ($vars['attachments'] as $a) { // Change inside the message to point to // a unique hash-code for the attachment. Since the // content-id will be discarded, only the unique hash-code // will be available to retrieve the image later if ($a['cid'] && $a['key']) { $body = preg_replace('/src=("|\'|\b)(?:cid:)?' . preg_quote($a['cid'], '/').'\1/i', 'src="cid:'.$a['key'].'"', $body); } } $sql = 'UPDATE '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' SET body='.db_input($body) .' WHERE `id`='.db_input($entry->getId()); if (!db_query($sql) || !db_affected_rows()) return false; } // Email message id (required for all thread posts) if (!isset($vars['mid'])) $vars['mid'] = sprintf('<%s@%s>', Misc::randCode(24), substr(md5($cfg->getUrl()), -10)); $entry->saveEmailInfo($vars); // Inline images (attached to the draft) $entry->saveAttachments(Draft::getAttachmentIds($body)); Signal::send('model.created', $entry); return $entry; } function add($vars) { return ($entry=self::create($vars))?$entry->getId():0; } } /* Message - Ticket thread entry of type message */ class Message extends ThreadEntry { function Message($id, $ticketId=0) { parent::ThreadEntry($id, 'M', $ticketId); } function getSubject() { return $this->getTitle(); } function create($vars, &$errors) { return self::lookup(self::add($vars, $errors)); } function add($vars, &$errors) { if(!$vars || !is_array($vars) || !$vars['ticketId']) $errors['err'] = __('Missing or invalid data'); elseif(!$vars['message']) $errors['message'] = __('Message content is required'); if($errors) return false; $vars['type'] = 'M'; $vars['body'] = $vars['message']; if (!$vars['poster'] && $vars['userId'] && ($user = User::lookup($vars['userId']))) $vars['poster'] = (string) $user->getName(); return ThreadEntry::add($vars); } function lookup($id, $tid=0, $type='M') { return ($id && is_numeric($id) && ($m = new Message($id, $tid)) && $m->getId()==$id )?$m:null; } function lastByTicketId($ticketId) { return self::byTicketId($ticketId); } function firstByTicketId($ticketId) { return self::byTicketId($ticketId, false); } function byTicketId($ticketId, $last=true) { $sql=' SELECT FROM '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' thread ' .' WHERE thread_type=\'M\' AND thread.ticket_id = '.db_input($ticketId) .sprintf(' ORDER BY %s LIMIT 1', $last ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); if (($res = db_query($sql)) && ($id = db_result($res))) return Message::lookup($id); return null; } } /* Response - Ticket thread entry of type response */ class Response extends ThreadEntry { function Response($id, $ticketId=0) { parent::ThreadEntry($id, 'R', $ticketId); } function getSubject() { return $this->getTitle(); } function getRespondent() { return $this->getStaff(); } function create($vars, &$errors) { return self::lookup(self::add($vars, $errors)); } function add($vars, &$errors) { if(!$vars || !is_array($vars) || !$vars['ticketId']) $errors['err'] = __('Missing or invalid data'); elseif(!$vars['response']) $errors['response'] = __('Response content is required'); if($errors) return false; $vars['type'] = 'R'; $vars['body'] = $vars['response']; if(!$vars['pid'] && $vars['msgId']) $vars['pid'] = $vars['msgId']; if (!$vars['poster'] && $vars['staffId'] && ($staff = Staff::lookup($vars['staffId']))) $vars['poster'] = (string) $staff->getName(); return ThreadEntry::add($vars); } function lookup($id, $tid=0, $type='R') { return ($id && is_numeric($id) && ($r = new Response($id, $tid)) && $r->getId()==$id )?$r:null; } } /* Note - Ticket thread entry of type note (Internal Note) */ class Note extends ThreadEntry { function Note($id, $ticketId=0) { parent::ThreadEntry($id, 'N', $ticketId); } function getMessage() { return $this->getBody(); } /* static */ function create($vars, &$errors) { return self::lookup(self::add($vars, $errors)); } function add($vars, &$errors) { //Check required params. if(!$vars || !is_array($vars) || !$vars['ticketId']) $errors['err'] = __('Missing or invalid data'); elseif(!$vars['note']) $errors['note'] = __('Note content is required'); if($errors) return false; //TODO: use array_intersect_key when we move to php 5 to extract just what we need. $vars['type'] = 'N'; $vars['body'] = $vars['note']; return ThreadEntry::add($vars); } function lookup($id, $tid=0, $type='N') { return ($id && is_numeric($id) && ($n = new Note($id, $tid)) && $n->getId()==$id )?$n:null; } } class ThreadBody /* extends SplString */ { static $types = array('text', 'html'); var $body; var $type; var $stripped_images = array(); var $embedded_images = array(); var $options = array( 'strip-embedded' => true ); function __construct($body, $type='text', $options=array()) { $type = strtolower($type); if (!in_array($type, static::$types)) throw new Exception("$type: Unsupported ThreadBody type"); $this->body = (string) $body; if (strlen($this->body) > 250000) { $max_packet = db_get_variable('max_allowed_packet', 'global'); // Truncate just short of the max_allowed_packet $this->body = substr($this->body, 0, $max_packet - 2048) . ' ... ' . _S('(truncated)'); } $this->type = $type; $this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options); } function isEmpty() { return !$this->body || $this->body == '-'; } function convertTo($type) { if ($type === $this->type) return $this; $conv = $this->type . ':' . strtolower($type); switch ($conv) { case 'text:html': return new ThreadBody(sprintf('
', Format::htmlchars($this->body)), $type); case 'html:text': return new ThreadBody(Format::html2text((string) $this), $type); } } function stripQuotedReply($tag) { //Strip quoted reply...on emailed messages if (!$tag || strpos($this->body, $tag) === false) return; // Capture a list of inline images $images_before = $images_after = array(); preg_match_all('/src=("|\'|\b)cid:(\S+)\1/', $this->body, $images_before, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); // Strip the quoted part of the body if ((list($msg) = explode($tag, $this->body, 2)) && trim($msg)) { $this->body = $msg; // Capture a list of dropped inline images if ($images_before) { preg_match_all('/src=("|\'|\b)cid:(\S+)\1/', $this->body, $images_after, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $this->stripped_images = array_diff($images_before[2], $images_after[2]); } } } function getStrippedImages() { return $this->stripped_images; } function getEmbeddedHtmlImages() { return $this->embedded_images; } function getType() { return $this->type; } function getClean() { return trim($this->body); } function __toString() { return (string) $this->body; } function toHtml() { return $this->display('html'); } function display($format=false) { throw new Exception('display: Abstract display() method not implemented'); } function getSearchable() { return Format::searchable($this->body); } static function fromFormattedText($text, $format=false) { switch ($format) { case 'text': return new TextThreadBody($text); case 'html': return new HtmlThreadBody($text, array('strip-embedded'=>false)); default: return new ThreadBody($text); } } } class TextThreadBody extends ThreadBody { function __construct($body, $options=array()) { parent::__construct($body, 'text', $options); } function getClean() { return Format::stripEmptyLines($this->body); } function display($output=false) { if ($this->isEmpty()) return '(empty)'; switch ($output) { case 'html': return '
' .Format::clickableurls(Format::htmlchars($this->body)).'
'; case 'email': return '
'; case 'pdf': return nl2br($this->body); default: return '
'; } } function asVar() { // Email template, assume HTML return $this->display('email'); } } class HtmlThreadBody extends ThreadBody { function __construct($body, $options=array()) { if (!isset($options['strip-embedded']) || $options['strip-embedded']) $body = $this->extractEmbeddedHtmlImages($body); parent::__construct($body, 'html', $options); } function extractEmbeddedHtmlImages($body) { $self = $this; return preg_replace_callback('/src="(data:[^"]+)"/', function ($m) use ($self) { $info = Format::parseRfc2397($m[1], false, false); $info['cid'] = 'img'.Misc::randCode(12); list(,$type) = explode('/', $info['type'], 2); $info['name'] = 'image'.Misc::randCode(4).'.'.$type; $self->embedded_images[] = $info; return 'src="cid:'.$info['cid'].'"'; }, $body); } function getClean() { return trim($this->body, " <>br/\t\n\r") ? Format::sanitize($this->body) : ''; } function getSearchable() { //
-> \n $body = preg_replace(array('``i', '``i'), "\n", $this->body); $body = Format::htmldecode(Format::striptags($body)); return Format::searchable($body); } function display($output=false) { if ($this->isEmpty()) return '(empty)'; switch ($output) { case 'email': return $this->body; case 'pdf': return Format::clickableurls($this->body, false); default: return Format::display($this->body); } } } ?>