Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket Email validation by Dan Rhodes Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ class Validator { var $input=array(); var $fields=array(); var $errors=array(); function Validator($fields=null) { $this->setFields($fields); } function setFields(&$fields){ if($fields && is_array($fields)): $this->fields=$fields; return (true); endif; return (false); } function validate($source,$userinput=true){ $this->errors=array(); //Check the input and make sure the fields are specified. if(!$source || !is_array($source)) $this->errors['err']='Invalid input'; elseif(!$this->fields || !is_array($this->fields)) $this->errors['err']='No fields set up'; //Abort on error if($this->errors) return false; //if magic quotes are enabled - then try cleaning up inputs before validation... if($userinput && function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $source=Format::strip_slashes($source); $this->input=$source; //Do the do. foreach($this->fields as $k=>$field){ if(!$field['required'] && !$this->input[$k]) //NOT required...and no data provided... continue; if($field['required'] && !isset($this->input[$k]) || (!$this->input[$k] && $field['type']!='int')){ //Required...and no data provided... $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; continue; } //We don't care about the type. if ($field['type'] == '*') continue; //Do the actual validation based on the type. switch(strtolower($field['type'])): case 'integer': case 'int': if(!is_numeric($this->input[$k])) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; elseif ($field['min'] && $this->input[$k] < $field['min']) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'double': if(!is_numeric($this->input[$k])) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'text': case 'string': if(!is_string($this->input[$k])) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'array': if(!$this->input[$k] || !is_array($this->input[$k])) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'radio': if(!isset($this->input[$k])) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'date': //TODO...make sure it is really in GNU date format.. if(strtotime($this->input[$k])===false) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'time': //TODO...make sure it is really in GNU time format.. break; case 'phone': case 'fax': if(!$this->is_phone($this->input[$k])) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'email': if(!$this->is_email($this->input[$k])) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'url': if(!$this->is_url($this->input[$k])) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; case 'password': if(strlen($this->input[$k])<5) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error'].' (5 chars min)'; break; case 'username': $error = ''; if (!$this->is_username($this->input[$k], $error)) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error'].": $error"; break; case 'zipcode': if(!is_numeric($this->input[$k]) || (strlen($this->input[$k])!=5)) $this->errors[$k]=$field['error']; break; default://If param type is not set...or handle..error out... $this->errors[$k]=$field['error'].' (type not set)'; endswitch; } return ($this->errors)?(FALSE):(TRUE); } function iserror(){ return $this->errors?true:false; } function errors(){ return $this->errors; } /*** Functions below can be called directly without class instance. Validator::func(var..); (nolint) ***/ function is_email($email) { $exp = "^[a-z\'0-9]+([._-][a-z\'0-9]+)*@([a-z0-9]+([._-][a-z0-9]+))+$"; if(eregi($exp,$email)){ if(checkdnsrr(array_pop(explode("@",$email)),"MX")){ return true; }else{ return false; } }else{ return false; } } function is_phone($phone) { /* We're not really validating the phone number but just making sure it doesn't contain illegal chars and of acceptable len */ $stripped=preg_replace("(\(|\)|\-|\.|\+|[ ]+)","",$phone); return (!is_numeric($stripped) || ((strlen($stripped)<7) || (strlen($stripped)>16)))?false:true; } function is_url($url) { //XXX: parse_url is not ideal for validating urls but it's ideal for basic checks. return ($url && ($info=parse_url($url)) && $info['host']); } function is_ip($ip) { if(!$ip or empty($ip)) return false; $ip=trim($ip); # Thanks to if (function_exists('inet_pton')) { # PHP 5.1.0 # Let the built-in library parse the IP address return @inet_pton($ip) !== false; } else if (preg_match( '/^(?>(?>([a-f0-9]{1,4})(?>:(?1)){7}|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9](?>:|$)){7,})' .'((?1)(?>:(?1)){0,5})?::(?2)?)|(?>(?>(?1)(?>:(?1)){5}:|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){5,})' .'(?3)?::(?>((?1)(?>:(?1)){0,3}):)?)?(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9]?[0-9])' .'(?>\.(?4)){3}))$/iD', $ip)) { return true; } return false; } function is_username($username, &$error='') { if (strlen($username)<2) $error = 'At least two (2) characters'; elseif (!preg_match('/^[\w._-]+$/', $username)) $error = 'Username contains invalid characters'; return $error == ''; } function process($fields,$vars,&$errors){ $val = new Validator(); $val->setFields($fields); if(!$val->validate($vars)) $errors=array_merge($errors,$val->errors()); return (!$errors); } } ?>