Copyright (c) 2006-2013 osTicket Released under the GNU General Public License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See LICENSE.TXT for details. vim: expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: **********************************************************************/ if(!defined('INCLUDE_DIR')) die('403'); include_once(INCLUDE_DIR.'class.ticket.php'); /** * Overview Report * * The overview report allows for the display of basic ticket statistics in * both graphical and tabular formats. */ class OverviewReportAjaxAPI extends AjaxController { function enumTabularGroups() { return $this->encode(array("dept"=>__("Department"), "topic"=>__("Topics"), # XXX: This will be relative to permissions based on the # logged-in-staff. For basic staff, this will be 'My Stats' "staff"=>__("Agent"))); } function getData() { global $thisstaff; list($start, $stop) = $this->_getDateRange(); $groups = array( "dept" => array( "table" => DEPT_TABLE, "pk" => "dept_id", "sort" => 'T1.dept_name', "fields" => 'T1.dept_name', "headers" => array(__('Department')), "filter" => ('T1.dept_id IN ('.implode(',', db_input($thisstaff->getDepts())).')') ), "topic" => array( "table" => TOPIC_TABLE, "pk" => "topic_id", "sort" => 'name', "fields" => "CONCAT_WS(' / '," ."(SELECT P.topic FROM ".TOPIC_TABLE." P WHERE P.topic_id = T1.topic_pid)," ."T1.topic) as name ", "headers" => array(__('Help Topic')), "filter" => '1' ), "staff" => array( "table" => STAFF_TABLE, "pk" => 'staff_id', "sort" => 'name', "fields" => "CONCAT_WS(' ', T1.firstname, T1.lastname) as name", "headers" => array(__('Agent')), "filter" => ('T1.staff_id=S1.staff_id AND (T1.staff_id='.db_input($thisstaff->getId()) .(($depts=$thisstaff->getManagedDepartments())? (' OR T1.dept_id IN('.implode(',', db_input($depts)).')'):'') .(($thisstaff->canViewStaffStats())? (' OR T1.dept_id IN('.implode(',', db_input($thisstaff->getDepts())).')'):'') .')' ) ) ); $group = $this->get('group', 'dept'); $info = isset($groups[$group])?$groups[$group]:$groups['dept']; # XXX: Die if $group not in $groups $queries=array( array(5, 'SELECT '.$info['fields'].', COUNT(*)-COUNT(NULLIF(A1.state, "created")) AS Opened, COUNT(*)-COUNT(NULLIF(A1.state, "assigned")) AS Assigned, COUNT(*)-COUNT(NULLIF(A1.state, "overdue")) AS Overdue, COUNT(*)-COUNT(NULLIF(A1.state, "closed")) AS Closed, COUNT(*)-COUNT(NULLIF(A1.state, "reopened")) AS Reopened FROM '.$info['table'].' T1 LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_EVENT_TABLE.' A1 ON (A1.'.$info['pk'].'=T1.'.$info['pk'].' AND NOT annulled AND (A1.timestamp BETWEEN '.$start.' AND '.$stop.')) LEFT JOIN '.STAFF_TABLE.' S1 ON (S1.staff_id=A1.staff_id) WHERE '.$info['filter'].' GROUP BY T1.'.$info['pk'].' ORDER BY '.$info['sort']), array(1, 'SELECT '.$info['fields'].', FORMAT(AVG(DATEDIFF(T2.closed, T2.created)),1) AS ServiceTime FROM '.$info['table'].' T1 LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' T2 ON (T2.'.$info['pk'].'=T1.'.$info['pk'].') LEFT JOIN '.STAFF_TABLE.' S1 ON (S1.staff_id=T2.staff_id) WHERE '.$info['filter'].' AND T2.closed BETWEEN '.$start.' AND '.$stop.' GROUP BY T1.'.$info['pk'].' ORDER BY '.$info['sort']), array(1, 'SELECT '.$info['fields'].', FORMAT(AVG(DATEDIFF(B2.created, B1.created)),1) AS ResponseTime FROM '.$info['table'].' T1 LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_TABLE.' T2 ON (T2.'.$info['pk'].'=T1.'.$info['pk'].') LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' B2 ON (B2.ticket_id = T2.ticket_id AND B2.thread_type="R") LEFT JOIN '.TICKET_THREAD_TABLE.' B1 ON ( = LEFT JOIN '.STAFF_TABLE.' S1 ON (S1.staff_id=B2.staff_id) WHERE '.$info['filter'].' AND B1.created BETWEEN '.$start.' AND '.$stop.' GROUP BY T1.'.$info['pk'].' ORDER BY '.$info['sort']) ); $rows = array(); $cols = 1; foreach ($queries as $q) { list($c, $sql) = $q; $res = db_query($sql); $cols += $c; while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) { $found = false; foreach ($rows as &$r) { if ($r[0] == $row[0]) { $r = array_merge($r, array_slice($row, -$c)); $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) $rows[] = array_merge(array($row[0]), array_slice($row, -$c)); } # Make sure each row has the same number of items foreach ($rows as &$r) while (count($r) < $cols) $r[] = null; } return array("columns" => array_merge($info['headers'], array(__('Opened'),__('Assigned'),__('Overdue'),__('Closed'),__('Reopened'), __('Service Time'),__('Response Time'))), "data" => $rows); } function getTabularData() { return $this->encode($this->getData()); } function downloadTabularData() { $data = $this->getData(); $csv = '"' . implode('","',$data['columns']) . '"'; foreach ($data['data'] as $row) $csv .= "\n" . '"' . implode('","', $row) . '"'; Http::download( sprintf('%s-report.csv', $this->get('group', __('Department'))), 'text/csv', $csv); } #mod-ticket-time function enumTabularTimeGroups() { return $this->encode(array("org"=>__("Organization"), "dept"=>__("Department"), "staff"=>__("Agent"), "act"=>__("Activity"))); } function getTimeData() { global $thisstaff; list($start, $stop) = $this->_getDateRange(); $groups = array( "org" => array( "table" => ORGANIZATION_TABLE, "pk" => "org_id", "f_pk" => "id", "sort" => '', "fields" => '', "headers" => array(__('Organization')) ), "dept" => array( "table" => DEPT_TABLE, "pk" => "dept_id", "f_pk" => "dept_id", "sort" => 'T1.dept_name', "fields" => 'T1.dept_name', "headers" => array(__('Department')) ), "staff" => array( "table" => STAFF_TABLE, "pk" => "staff_id", "f_pk" => "staff_id", "sort" => 'name', "fields" => "CONCAT_WS(' ', T1.firstname, T1.lastname) as name", "headers" => array(__('Agent')) ), "act" => array( "table" => "mod_ticket_activity", "pk" => "activity", "f_pk" => "code", "sort" => 'name', "fields" => "CONCAT_WS(' ', T1.code, T1.description) as name", "headers" => array(__('Activity')) ) ); $group_time = $this->get('group_time', 'org'); $info = isset($groups[$group_time])?$groups[$group_time]:$groups['org']; # XXX: Die if $group_time not in $groups $queries=array( array(5, 'SELECT '.$info['fields'].', SUM(A1.mins) AS TotalBillable, SUM(CASE WHEN A1.billing_category = "Non-billable" THEN A1.mins ELSE 0 END) as NonBillable, SUM(CASE WHEN A1.billing_category = "Pre-paid support" THEN A1.mins ELSE 0 END) as Prepaid, SUM(CASE WHEN A1.billing_category = "Existing Quote" THEN A1.mins ELSE 0 END) as Quoted, SUM(CASE WHEN A1.billing_category = "Billable" THEN A1.mins ELSE 0 END) as Billable FROM view_ticket_time A1 JOIN '.$info['table'].' T1 ON (A1.'.$info['pk'].'=T1.'.$info['f_pk'].') WHERE ( BETWEEN '.$start.' AND '.$stop.') GROUP BY T1.'.$info['f_pk'].' ORDER BY '.$info['sort']) ); $rows = array(); $cols = 1; foreach ($queries as $q) { list($c, $sql) = $q; $res = db_query($sql); $cols += $c; while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) { $found = false; foreach ($rows as &$r) { if ($r[0] == $row[0]) { $r = array_merge($r, array_slice($row, -$c)); $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) $rows[] = array_merge(array($row[0]), array_slice($row, -$c)); } # Make sure each row has the same number of items foreach ($rows as &$r) while (count($r) < $cols) $r[] = null; } return array("columns" => array_merge($info['headers'], array(__('Total Time'),__('Unbillable'),__('Pre-paid Support'),__('Existing Quotes'), __('Billable'))), "data" => $rows); } function getTabularTimeData() { return $this->encode($this->getTimeData()); } function downloadTabularTimeData() { $data = $this->getTimeData(); $csv = '"' . implode('","',$data['columns']) . '"'; foreach ($data['data'] as $row) $csv .= "\n" . '"' . implode('","', $row) . '"'; Http::download( sprintf('%s-report.csv', $this->get('group_time', __('Organization'))), 'text/csv', $csv); } #mod-ticket-time function _getDateRange() { global $cfg; if(($start = $this->get('start', 'last month'))) { $stop = $this->get('period', 'now'); } else { $start = 'last month'; $stop = $this->get('period', 'now'); } if ($start != 'last month') $start = DateTime::createFromFormat($cfg->getDateFormat(), $start)->format('U'); else $start = strtotime($start); if (substr($stop, 0, 1) == '+') $stop = strftime('%Y-%m-%d ', $start) . $stop; $start = 'FROM_UNIXTIME('.$start.')'; $stop = 'FROM_UNIXTIME('.strtotime($stop).')'; return array($start, $stop); } function getPlotData() { list($start, $stop) = $this->_getDateRange(); # Fetch all types of events over the timeframe $res = db_query('SELECT DISTINCT(state) FROM '.TICKET_EVENT_TABLE .' WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '.$start.' AND '.$stop .' ORDER BY 1'); $events = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) $events[] = $row[0]; # TODO: Handle user => db timezone offset # XXX: Implement annulled column from the %ticket_event table $res = db_query('SELECT state, DATE_FORMAT(timestamp, \'%Y-%m-%d\'), ' .'COUNT(ticket_id)' .' FROM '.TICKET_EVENT_TABLE .' WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '.$start.' AND '.$stop .' AND NOT annulled' .' GROUP BY state, DATE_FORMAT(timestamp, \'%Y-%m-%d\')' .' ORDER BY 2, 1'); # Initialize array of plot values $plots = array(); foreach ($events as $e) { $plots[$e] = array(); } $time = null; $times = array(); # Iterate over result set, adding zeros for missing ticket events $slots = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_row($res)) { $row_time = strtotime($row[1]); if ($time != $row_time) { # New time (and not the first), figure out which events did # not have any tickets associated for this time slot if ($time !== null) { # Not the first record -- add zeros all the arrays that # did not have at least one entry for the timeframe foreach (array_diff($events, $slots) as $slot) $plots[$slot][] = 0; } $slots = array(); $times[] = $time = $row_time; } # Keep track of states for this timeframe $slots[] = $row[0]; $plots[$row[0]][] = (int)$row[2]; } foreach (array_diff($events, $slots) as $slot) $plots[$slot][] = 0; return $this->encode(array("times" => $times, "plots" => $plots, "events"=>$events)); } }